
Saturday 31 May 2014

Book Review Captain Corelli’s Mandolin #AmReading

Book Review Captain Corelli’s Mandolin  by Louis De Bernieres

Wow! This is one fantastic novel! I have to admit the book took me a heck of a long time to read, but only because it is very deep, very intelligent, and I started reading it soon after the birth of my baby when my body was going through all sorts of crazy hormone-related stuff. Therefore I think this book is probably one of the longest reading projects I have ever taken. I am so glad I persevered. The first few chapters were quite self-indulgent and fairly boring, but on the recommendations of my book club buddies, I kept going. And I loved it. It made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me cringe. I loved the descriptive language, the variety of characters, and the entertaining history lesson that it gave me.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Fabulous Fun at #MidLitFest!

Last weekend we celebrated the very first Middlewich Literary Festival, #MidLitFest in Cheshire. It was a fantastic event, populated by local readers, writers, illustrators and book lovers.

I was a guest author, along with my new friends Gill Hoffs, Lucy Pireel and Bernice Walmsley. We showcased our work, discussed our experiences in the industry, and ate lots of cake!

There are now big plans being hatched for #MidLitFest 2015, so watch this space...

Friday 23 May 2014

Cheshire Events: Middlewich Literary Festival #MidLitFest

Friday 23rd May

Venue - Middlewich High School Library

*Refreshments provided*

5.30 pm         Official Opening with MP
5.45 - 6.15 pm Commended stories being read
6.30 pm         Prize giving
7 pm         Close

Saturday 24th May

Venue - Middlewich Civic Hall

*Café open all day onsite*

10:00am Opening announcements
Ken Kingston, Middlewich Deputy Mayor, Author Catherine Green
10:45 Author - Gill Hoffs
11:30 Holmes Chapel & Middlewich Book Club Reviewing Pure by Andrew Miller
12:15pm  Commended stories being read
1:00         Illustrator / children’s books
1:45         Author Lucy Pireel
2:30 Commended stories being read
3:15 Author Bernice Walmsley
4:00pm Close

Saturday 24th May

Venue - Middlewich Library

9:55 am       Introduction of the Read-a-thon
10:00       Reading starts with our Mayor, Cllr Paul Edwards
10:15       Janet Chisholm, BEM - Middlewich Clean Team
10:30       Mayoress, Cllr Sonya Edwards
10:45       Vivienne Johnson, U3A.
11:00       Jonathan Williams - Town Clerk
11:15       Liz Rosenfield, Cheshire Folk
11:30       Mike Walton, Middlewich Heritage Society
11:45       Bev Cope, Middlewich Viison
12:00pm      Close

Thursday 22 May 2014

MIDDLEWICH LITERARY FESTIVAL: from the official blog #MidLitFest

MIDDLEWICH LITERARY FESTIVAL: FESTIVAL INFORMATION: Middlewich  Literary Festival Photo: Middlewich Vision/Catherine Green General Information The winners of the short story...

Gathering Inspiration in Nature #amwriting

This past week I have been stepping away from my computer, and my work for the upcoming #MidLitFest, and out into the beautiful weather of a mini heatwave here in the UK. I have been walking in previously unexplored woodland in the Cheshire West and Chester borough:


I have visited the beach at Hoylake on the Wirral:

And I have enjoyed the delights of my back garden and my home town in Cheshire East:

All in all, a very delightful week. And now I am refreshed and prepared to enjoy the Middlewich Literary Festival that starts tomorrow, hooray! Check out #MidLitFest on social networks for details of guest authors, competition winners, book club reviews and more...

Thursday 15 May 2014

Preparing for the #MidLitFest #Cheshire

Hello everybody! Wow, preparations are well underway for our brand new upcoming Middlewich Literary Festival, #MidLitFest across social networks. Our authors are ready and waiting with their stacks of books (myself included), and we are currently planning our talks and workshops so that we may deliver a fabulous, informative and entertaining event to the people of Middlewich and beyond.

The #MidLitFest starts at 5:30pm on Friday 23rd May, in the Middlewich High School library, where the winners of our short story competitions will be announced and their work showcased for the assembled crowds. You can meet the mayor, meet the authors, and mingle with your fellow literary enthusiasts while we set out our vision for the future of this fantastic festival.

Middlewich Library will be a part of the #MidLitFest, playing host to a Read-a-thon session all morning on Saturday 24th May, while the main event takes place in the Middlewich Civic Centre from 10:00am - 4:00pm. You can chat to the authors, discuss your reading lists, any writing you might be doing as a hobby or a work in progress, your artistic abilities and lots more. There will be a cafe and book stalls as well. See you there!

Sunday 11 May 2014

#SampleSunday The Vampire of Blackpool

Today I share an excerpt from my new (unpublished) novel The Vampire of Blackpool for #SampleSunday. I am very excited about this one, and I cannot wait to see it in print! Enjoy…

“I know you are up there,” the man said suddenly, and I stifled a gasp, crouching still and silent, “Come out and face me, vampire.”

He was a hunter.  I knew immediately by the bitter tone of his voice, and the courageous nature of his words.  For the first time in over seventy years, I was facing a vampire hunter who wanted my head on his sword.  I felt nothing.  I could easily dispatch of him.  I had done so with all the other vampire hunters throughout the centuries.  In the early years they truly believed in the power of crosses, holy water and garlic.  At first these tools had caused a little discomfort, but I had learned to overcome them.  Wooden stakes were still a problem.  There was something about wood that simply disagreed with a vampire’s body.  It was one of the few materials from which we could only heal at human speed, unless it pierced our heart, in which case it killed.  We had the same problem with pure silver.  The metal contained a natural repellent, and it worked for both vampires and shapeshifters.  We were still unsure of the reasons why.  Our ancient texts and teachers believed it was all tied to the magic of the moon.  All I knew was that I avoided coming into contact with wood and silver at all costs.  

The man paced a few steps in a tight circle, looking up to where I crouched in the shadows.  He knew I was here.  He was not about to give up.  I found myself intrigued.  I could descend upon him now and kill him immediately.  I would drop his body into the ocean and nobody would be any the wiser.  But I still smarted from Samantha’s attack earlier that evening.  Despite my crazed feeding in the nightclubs, I felt weakened, exposed.  I was also angry.  How dare such a young upstart as her do that to me?  I warned her that she was in danger, and still she pursued me.  It was her fault.  She brought it on herself.  The anger that had been bubbling just below the surface suddenly burst forward, and I hissed, leaping down from my perch and aiming for the vampire hunter.  I landed on his shoulders almost immediately and he crumpled to the floor with a shout, sprawling in the soft, dry sand at the very edge of the beach.  

*Image courtesy of

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Welcome to Mary's Garden: Welcome Catherine Green

Welcome to Mary's Garden: Welcome Catherine Green: Welcome everyone! Today we have, Catherine Green, who has traveled a long way to be with us in the Garden. I’m very excited to hear all ab...

Sunday 4 May 2014

Beltane Celebrations and the #MidLitFest

This weekend sees the celebration of our pagan festival Beltane, where we give thanks for the bounty and vitality of Mother Earth, and we look forward to our upcoming events and projects. For me that means the Middlewich Literary Festival, #MidLitFest.

May promises to be a month of fun and business development for me. We celebrate our very first Middlewich Literary Festival on 23rd and 24th May, and if you are in the local area please come along and see us. I will be there showing off my novels and sharing my knowledge and guidance in the literary world. Our town mayor, Bernice Walmsley, will be there. She is also an author and will be attending both as a town official and a literary professional.

Our local school children have been submitting short stories for competitions which we will enjoy judging soon, and the winning entries will be displayed at the Middlewich Literary Festival. Aside from our resident local authors there will be representatives from local schools, the library and other businesses at the event, and there will be a book stall where you can indulge in some literary retail therapy.

See you at the festival, and have a fabulous month!

Friday 2 May 2014

Guest Author Feature - Mary Martinez #ReadMe

Today I hand over my blog to our guest, Mary Martinez. Take it away Mary...


Thank you for letting me join you today, Catherine. First, a bit about myself, I live in the US in Magna, Utah. That is about 15 minutes west of Salt Lake City. It’s an experience, and if you ever visit you’ll know what I mean. I love the mountains, and the seasons. And in Utah, you can experience every one, in ONE day. It’s the only place I know you can snow ski in the morning and golf or water ski in the afternoon. My husband and I love to travel, it’s a shame we are not independently wealthy. But we go as often as we can afford.

Together we have six grown children and by Christmas of this year, we’ll have eleven grandchildren. We have papa and nana night every other Wednesday. It’s fun for the kids to see each other and I get to see them since I have a day job on top of writing. I’ve decided the best thing about kids, is the grandchildren.

I hope it’s okay, but I’m going to share a couple of things today. First, Four Sisters is a story I’ve been working for years, it’s close to my heart for many reasons, all would most likely bore the pants off everyone.  This is due out in June.

This story is not about love, or in the end, sickness, but the relationship of a family. What can tear a family apart, and what can bring it back together again. It’s a challenge, and I hope that Four Sisters live up to it.

In the early sixties during the time of make love, not war, Kathleen finds love and starts a war with her family.

Four Sisters is a story rich in the relationships of Kathleen Williams' life. Kathleen discovers her sexuality in the sixties. She's different from other girls her age and scared about how her sisters, especially her closet sister, Deborah, will handle the fact she's lesbian.

When she reveals her love for a woman, her worst fears are realized--she's banished from her family and home.

Over forty-six years later, Kathleen is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Susan, her lifelong partner, encourages her to make peace with her family.  Kathleen's journey now includes rebuilding her relationship with her sisters as well as the battle of her life. Her only chance for peace is to find acceptance.

I also have a series, The Beckett’s, there are three books to date, with a fourth due out at the end of the year. Check out the trailer, it’s one of my favorites (of the ones I’ve created that is).

More Books from Mary

The Beckett’s have a strong sense of family and honor.
When one of their own is threatened, their bond is as strong as a badge of steel.

After two years undercover as an FBI agent to infiltrate a crime organization and discover the identity of a hit man, Tyler Beckett’s cover is blown. Tyler’s new assignment is to protect the only witness who can identify the mysterious killer. If only he didn’t find her so attractive. Each day it becomes harder to keep his objective, especially since he knows the interest is mutual.

Keira Cavanaugh is the only witness to a hit ordered by a crime boss.  The safe house is compromised and the same hit man shoots Tyler. Fearing Tyler is dead, Keira plans revenge on the crime organization. She must fake her own suicide in order to survive.

When Tyler discovers what Keira plans, he realizes he must stop her before he loses her for good.

All Jessica wants is a home and a family. So how did she suddenly find herself falsely accused of a felony and then kidnapped by a hit man?

Jessica Beckett loves her job teaching high school algebra. That is until Coach Brinley makes her life miserable because she actually has the audacity to fail his three staring football jocks. Maybe if they’d done their homework they would have passed. She refuses to be intimidated. He on the other hand refuses to admit defeat and manipulates the boys into accusing her of sex in exchange for passing grades.

Gabriel Despain loves his job as FBI agent. But falling for his partner’s sister has complicated a great partnership. It would be a lot easier to ignore his feelings if Jessica hadn't found herself in trouble. Now he must keep her safe. And if he can't remain objective, they both might get killed.

Christine Beckett’s dream of partnership in a prestigious New York City law firm has finally come to fruition. She has financial security, a loving family, and owns her home, why does she need a man?

Detective Solomon has worked with Tyler Beckett on several cases, he almost feels he is part of the Beckett clan. He considers them his good friends, except for Christine who seems to look down her professional nose at him.

Christine receives a threatening note and her townhouse echoes with mysterious cries in the night. That is when the handsome and irritating detective insists he temporarily move in to protect her. To add insult, it is with her family’s blessing.

Illusion: (Coming soon)
When the Chief Financial Officer of the World Bank Group (WBG) is found dead in his Paris apartment, it’s a concern. But when the Chief Administration Officer of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, another WBG agency, is murdered on vacation, in the same fashion, it’s time to call in the FBI’s special terrorist task force.

Special Agent Reagan Beckett specializes in terrorists focused on shipping and financial backing, two major threats to the west coast. When a new threat looked toward one of the biggest worldwide financial institutions, she was the logical person for the team.

Reagan’s New York task force team includes a new partner, Paco Luis Perez from D.C., and FBI Special Agent, Spencer Alexander Williams III, advising as the local liaison. To work undercover with these two men, Reagan knows she’ll have to trust them with her life. Her preliminary research indicates both men have excellent records, accommodations to be proud of, and seemingly nothing to cause her much worry. Even Perez’s hot temper might come in handy, while Williams III’s arrogance and powerful Wall Street family could prove useful in tracking down the terrorist.

But Reagan knows one thing—when a terrorist is involved, most likely, there is someone on the inside. Before she can find the threat, she needs help figuring out whom to trust.

Ten years ago Reagan left Brooklyn, and not under the best circumstances. Regardless of the strained relationship with her family, she turns to the only people she can count on for support in her quest to determine which man she can literally trust with her life and to bring down the terrorists.


I can be found at
Mary’s Garden Blog
Mary Martinez website
Check here for buy links

Thank you, again, for having me!