
Monday 25 July 2016

Summer Holidays and Spiritual Happenings #pbloggers

Hello! We are settling in to our Big Summer Holidays now, and I am inviting you to join me at Northwich Memorial Court next weekend for our big Mind, Body, Spirit event.


There are mediums and Tarot readers, fabulous authors (myself included) to speak with, beautiful crystals and handmade gifts for sale, music, dancing, yoga, spiritual development and lots more. See you there!

Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Friday 8 July 2016

Visions of Zarua by Suzanne Rogerson

Today I welcome author Suzanne Rogerson with her new book Visions of Zarua. 

Two wizards, 350 years apart.
Together they must save the realm of Paltria from Zarua’s dark past.

An ancient darkness haunts the realm of Paltria.

Apprentice wizard Paddren is plagued by visions of a city on the brink of annihilation. When his master Kalesh dies in mysterious circumstances, the Royal Order of Wizards refuses to investigate.
Helped by his childhood friend, the skilled tracker Varnia, and her lover Leyoch, Paddren vows to find the killer.

The investigation leads Paddren down a sinister path of assassins, secret sects and creatures conjured by blood magic. But he is guided by a connection with a wizard from centuries ago - a wizard whose history holds the key to the horror at the heart of the abandoned city of Zarua. Can Paddren decipher his visions in time to save the Paltrian people from the dark menace of Zarua’s past?

Visions of Zarua is available to buy in the following places:


About the Author

Suzanne lives in Middlesex, England with her hugely encouraging husband and two children.

She wrote her first novel at the age of twelve. She discovered the fantasy genre in her late teens and has never looked back. Giving up work to raise a family gave her the impetus to take her attempts at novel writing beyond the first draft, and she is lucky enough to have a husband who supports her dream - even if he does occasionally hint that she might think about getting a proper job one day.

Suzanne loves gardening and has a Hebe (shrub) fetish. She enjoys cooking with ingredients from the garden, and regularly feeds unsuspecting guests vegetable-based cakes.

She collects books, loves going for walks and picnics with the children and sharing with them her love of nature and photography. 

Suzanne is interested in history and enjoys wandering around castles. But most of she likes to escape with a great film, or soak in a hot bubble bath with an ice cream and a book.


Find Suzanne in all the usual places on social media

Follow Suzanne on her latest blog tour, where you can see snippets from the new book, and catch up on her previous work.

Visions of Zarua Blog Tour 2016 Schedule

Mon 27th June betweenthelinesbookblog Promo Post
Tues 28th June rosieamber Review
Wed 29th June bookwraiths Indie Wednesday feature, Guest Post & Giveaway
Thurs 30th June aliasfaithrivens  Review & Interview
Fri 1st July TheTattoedBookGeek Novel extract & Promo Post
Sat 2nd July teripolen Promo Post
Sun 3rd July alinefromabook Review & Promo Post
Mon 4th July barbedwords Review & Post about Varina and her favourite recipe
Tues 5th July baubtaub Review, Interview and Giveaway
Wed 6th July shelleywilson Promo post
Thurs 7th July jenanita01 Review
Fri 8th July spookymrsgreen Promo Post
Sat 9th July thehappymeerkatreviews Review & Promo Post
Sun 10th July color me in Cyanide and Cherry Review
Sun 10th July Lucciagray Q&A

Monday 4 July 2016

Welcome to Mary's Garden: Welcome Catherine Green!

Today I am a guest over in Mary's Garden, come and join us!

Welcome to Mary's Garden: Welcome Catherine Green!: Welcome everyone! We have a special treat today. A friend of mine, Catherine Green, from England has a new book out. I wanted to share wit...