
Monday 30 March 2020

NHS Nurse Werewolf Lieutenant?! #TheRedcliffeNovels

Have you read It’s Complicated yet? This cheeky short story comes from the perspective of NHS nurse Sally Frost as she navigates her busy life in Redcliffe, Cornwall. By day (or night) she is a dedicated NHS hospital nurse, and when she’s not in her day job, she works as pack lieutenant for the Redcliffe werewolves. And she is in love with the alpha, Danny Mason, naturally, but he cannot commit to one person. There is another lieutenant, Simon Bunce, and while he and Sally are good friends, she knows that Danny will always choose Simon over her when it comes to love, and other activities…

#TheRedcliffeNovels series starts out fairly tame as the innocent human Jessica Stone falls in love with Jack Mason. But when she discovers his secrets, and the truth about his identical twin brother, she unleashes a few surprises of her own.

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE copy of It’s Complicated from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Short Story: The Wolf and the Fairy by Catherine Green

She is a werewolf hunter, descended from ancient fairies, destined to fulfill her role in the family business. He is a lone wolf, his family brutally torn away, revenge his motivation for existence. The fairy and the wolf come together in a violent union as this modern, adult fairy tale gives us an alternative account of life in ancient Britain, and how it has evolved in the present day.


Tania was like a coiled spring. She had to hunt. She had to get some aggression out of her system. Leaving her art materials behind, she grabbed some spare weapons from the boot of her car, and set off in the direction of a local pub. She would listen to stories from the townsfolk until she could decipher exactly where the rogue werewolves might be located.
            She found a target sooner than expected. As she entered the small ancient pub that overlooked the harbour, her skin tingled ominously as her magic recognized that of a wolf. Hesitating just inside the door, she looked around the tiny room, taking in the wooden fireplace and corner bar, and the six occupants, all staring at her curiously. There were four men and two women. One of the men was a werewolf. He stared at her, and his nostrils flared as he scented her magic. His lip curled in a low growl, and Tania clenched her jaw, calling him out with her defiant stare. The man stood up slowly and advanced upon her without a word. She stepped back outside and waited for him to join her. He followed her up a narrow path onto the cliff top overlooking the village. There was a coppice of trees up here, and Tania hoped it would provide enough cover for her to kill the wolf. 

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 16 March 2020

Vampire of Blackpool by Catherine Green

The vampire, the witch, and the hunter battle it out in a contemporary Gothic adventure in Northern England.

Meredith Hanson lives in Blackpool, the former Victorian holiday hotspot of Northern England. She masquerades as a reclusive author, feeding on the blood of unsuspecting tourists without remorse. Her life takes on new meaning when she meets a young witch in a local pub one evening. Despite Meredith’s cold demeanor, she finds herself oddly fascinated with Samantha Morris, and falls into an accidental relationship with the girl. It is at this time that a vampire hunter arrives in Blackpool. He is tough, he is determined, and his next target is an ancient vampire that has been spotted in the tourist town. He intends to bring her down and destroy her to save the lives of innocent humans. Will he succeed? Or will the experienced vampire seductress be the cause of his undoing?


“What are you doing here, Meredith?” Samantha asked.
            I smiled but said nothing. Samantha looked at Ryan James. She frowned.
            “Did you do this to him?” she asked, moving forward but keeping the bed as a barrier between me and her.
            She leaned forward, appraising her patient with a professional eye. She took in the sling on his arm, the cuts and bruises all over his skin, and the large bandage on his left shoulder. She reached over and carefully lifted a corner of it, and her eyes widened. She knew the truth.
            “Why did you do this?” she asked, “And why are you here now?”

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Signup now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 9 March 2020

The Darkness of Love by Catherine Green

A Victorian vampire lord seeks an heir for his estate in this English Gothic novel with passion and flair.

Lord Gregory Stockton is a powerful and respected businessman embracing the modern era of the Victorian industrial revolution. His young wife is infatuated with the stable boy, much to Gregory's amusement. He hatches a plan to bring the would-be lovers together, and then cruelly tear them apart as he continues to build his empire and secure his power base in the south of England. The humans are pawns in the vampire’s game of lust, love and control.

Buy The Darkness of Love now - Click here!


Amelia picked up her glass and took a long sip of the rich red wine. When she spoke again her eyes were glowing and her fangs had extended delicately. Gregory felt her energy filling the room, and he smiled, responding with a lash of his own cold power.  He possessed the energy and strength of diamonds, hard and impenetrable. Amelia shivered, her lips curling in a hiss, and wrapped her violet sparks around him in a cold, sharp embrace. To a human there was nothing unusual in this room, but to a vampire, it was electric and very exciting. They played a fine line between safety and danger, and Amelia thrived on danger.

            “You wish for me to seduce this young man at your party next week?” Amelia asked, still caressing Gregory with her power, while she stood like a marble statue in front of the fireplace.

            Gregory nodded, keeping his cool silver gaze fixed on her black eyes. He tried so hard to ignore his Mistress’ advances, but he could never refuse her. He belonged to her, and he was not strong enough to break free.

            “Yes,” he said, “I am sure he will be compliant, for he is a man with vigorous appetites, or so I hear from the villagers. He has a reputation among the workers’ daughters.”

            Amelia smiled and nodded, her eyes glowing with excitement. She licked her lips, and her eyes showed a glimmer of fire, deep in the pupils. She was a contradiction of everything the vampires knew about themselves. She burned with both fire and ice, and no-one could escape her trap when she set it.

            “I will not disappoint my oldest friend.” she said simply.

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 2 March 2020

The Redcliffe Novels series by Catherine Green

The Redcliffe novels follow the adventures of bookshop owner Jessica Stone as she meets a man and falls in love, only to discover that he is a vampire and his identical twin brother is alpha to the local werewolf pack. She is dragged into their complicated and dangerous lives to her detriment, where she discovers that nothing is as it seems in the pretty Cornish town that she calls home. She uncovers her own secrets, and those of her supposedly human friends, but most of all she learns the true power and pain of falling in love.

My Vampire Boyfriend (ARedcliffe Short Story Anthology) is a Kindle exclusive book that contains adult content and reveals the true nature of vampires, witches and werewolves when they are not battling for power and control.

Excerpt from Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel) Book 3:

A silence fell around us, and I could feel our energies shifting in the air.  Mine was turbulent, full of anger and anxiety.  Jack’s was cold and controlling.  Danny’s power was hot, forceful and full of promise.  Simon’s was similar but with less strength.  Eventually I moved backwards, feeling the need to break the tense emotion that filled the air.
            “Jack,” I said, “You should get going.  You have work to do.”
            He blinked, the only movement he made.
            “Yes,” he said, and then he stepped forward to give me a kiss.  It was a peck on the lips, and he hugged me briefly, “You can control her,” he said, catching my eyes with his, “And you will resolve things with Liz.”
            Tears choked me suddenly.  I swallowed, forcing them back as I stepped away from Jack.
            “Thanks,” I said, “See you later.”
            He left with a brief nod to Danny and Simon.  When the door closed behind him I looked at the two wolves standing in my kitchen.  Both looked like stereotypical surfer dudes.  Danny was wearing khaki trousers with a bright yellow t-shirt that had a crazy abstract print on it.  Simon was wearing black baggy shorts with a green t-shirt.  His blonde hair fell in unruly waves around his face, and his sunglasses were hooked into the front of the t-shirt.  I hadn’t even noticed the sun shining outside, although I did feel the unusual warmth of this early autumn day.
            “Ok,” I said with a sigh, “Shall we go and watch TV like normal people?”

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.