
Sunday 27 March 2022

There’s a Vampire Hunter in Town! New British Paranormal Suspense

I was searching through old files recently and discovered this little gem from a work in progress. It’s a vampire hunter novel set in and around Middlewich, UK, my hometown.

I started writing it when a fan approached me on an event and asked if I could bring the vampires closer to home. I happily took up the challenge, but the book is not finished. I should return to that later this year if nothing else distracts me in the meantime. Anyway, here is an excerpt to tantalise your imagination:




            “Dr Worthington,” the man said politely as he stood before her.

            She looked up at him without smiling. He wore blue jeans and a red checked shirt. His blue eyes sparkled with power, and his short blond hair was carefully styled.  She knew immediately that he was much older than the mid-twenties age range that he embodied.

            “Yes,” she said, “Who are you?”

            “My name is Kian,” the vampire replied, “Mr Vance is expecting you. Please, follow me.”

            He turned and walked back the way he came. Jennifer looked around the room, but everyone seemed preoccupied, perhaps a little too studiously. Narrowing her eyes, she stood up and followed the vampire, her fingers flexing at her sides as she resisted drawing her guns too soon. The humans were most likely enchanted not to notice the vampires. It would cause chaos if Jennifer suddenly began wielding a gun and fighting with a powerful undead creature right in front of them.

She found herself walking into a long corridor at the back of the building, and she noted the exit leading out onto the car park. Kian led her up a wide flight of stairs and stopped outside a brown painted door on the landing above the pub. This was it.  He knocked once and then opened the door carefully. Jennifer had to follow. Drawing her guns, she squared her shoulders, let out a breath, and stepped into the room, keeping her back to the wall and the exit in sight.


Phew! That was tense. I need to get that finished, the first draft is about halfway complete and there was a fantastic twist at that point if I recall… The vampire hunter is not all that she seems.


Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

Monday 21 March 2022

Book Review: Dìonadair: Tango Down Duology Part 1 - A Scottish second chance romance by Louise Murchie

It’s a long time since I read a book that stayed with me like this one. I got so hooked that I had to read it in one day, wandering around the house with my kindle in my hands, trying to multitask. That is the sign of a good book for me!


The bit I enjoyed most was the three-way relationship that developed between Blythe and her men (brothers, by the way). Maybe it speaks to my inner thoughts, but I found it fascinating and interesting to read. Throw in the military references, modern technology, suspense, and mystery, and you have an intense book to read.

I haven't read anything like this before and now I'm desperate for the sequel. Mature characters, tech galore, suspense and action. And let's not forget the 3-way sex and lots of it! I like that the story is set in Edinburgh, it makes a nice change from the heavy London focus for this type of novel. I loved it!

You can find Louise Murchie on social media and you can buy the book here.

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

Monday 14 March 2022

Book Review: This is What You’ll Get by Bobbie Collings

 “Let’s face it, even when it’s an accident, someone must take the blame.” – from This is What You’ll Get by Bobbie Collings.

I really enjoyed this book! It appears to be a cheerful romance novel, something not too heavy that will take you away from the stresses of daily life for a while. Featuring older characters (30-something), some with children, some without, and the protagonists being wealthy and carefree, there are elements of this story that I can relate to and some that I aspire to. I did identify with a few of the characters, although some of the younger ones did come across perhaps more self-aware than I think young people generally are. However, I speak from the experience of a woman who grew up before social media became the norm, so maybe I’m out of touch myself.
This book is definitely one for 21st century attitudes but featuring older characters that I could relate to. It is a hefty tome at 533 pages, and it could benefit from another proofread and editing session to tighten it up and correct some grammatical errors, but I don’t think that detracts from the overall story. I was a little irritated that the female characters were described as “girls” throughout the novel, even though for the most part they were mature women. That might just be my attitude, however, or maybe it was intentional by the author, I don’t know.
There is a lot of sex in this book so be warned if that is not your thing. I enjoyed it, but there were a few scenes that left me feeling squeamish. I suppose it depends on what your kink is. The characters did seem overly mature and understanding with each other and I would have expected more animosity or conflict in some of the scenarios. That said, I also find it refreshing to read a book where people are not immediately judging each other for their lifestyle choices, and it is made clear throughout the story that all characters are consenting adults. There are no nasty games here, only adult fun.
The ending is not what I expected and does provide an interesting twist that will leave you pondering about social norms, morals and our attitudes towards love and relationships. I am open-minded myself and do not conform to traditional marriage norms, so I enjoyed reading this book for that reason. It is nice to know that there are people who can integrate a healthy sex life into their world without it being taboo or hidden. We all do it, we just don’t like to talk about it! Well, in this book, they do talk about it a lot and while it was a bit much sometimes, generally I enjoyed the subject and the way it was described.
Find Bobbie Collings on Instagram and order the book here: This is What You’ll Get.

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

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