
Sunday 7 May 2023

“AI, Write a Story about a Demon”

I recently discovered the power of AI and introduced my daughter to it. She asked it to write a story about a demon. Read the story and tell me your thoughts.

AI Story about a Demon

There once was a powerful demon named Azazel, who had roamed the earth for centuries. He had been summoned by humans throughout history to do their bidding, and he had grown tired of the constant cycle of servitude. Azazel longed for something more, something that would make him truly feel alive.

One day, he heard whispers of a powerful artifact that had been hidden away for centuries. The artifact was said to grant the one who possessed it immense power, and Azazel knew that he had to have it.

He searched for years, using his demonic powers to track down the artifact's location. Finally, he found it hidden deep within a mountain range, guarded by powerful magic.

Azazel knew that he could not take the artifact by force, so he hatched a plan. He would disguise himself as a human and infiltrate the nearby village. There, he would gain the trust of the villagers and learn more about the artifact's location.

It took months of careful planning, but Azazel eventually gained the trust of the village's elders. They revealed the artifact's location to him, and Azazel set out to retrieve it.

When he arrived at the mountain's entrance, Azazel was confronted by the guardians of the artifact. They were fierce warriors, armed with enchanted weapons and powerful spells.

But Azazel was a demon, and he was not easily defeated. He fought his way through the guardians, using his powers to vanquish them one by one.

Finally, he reached the artifact, and he felt its power coursing through his veins. He knew that he had become something more than just a demon. With the artifact's power, he was unstoppable.

For years, Azazel ruled over the earth with an iron fist. He was feared by all, and his power was unmatched. But as the centuries passed, Azazel began to feel the weight of his actions. He had become a monster, a creature of pure evil.

In the end, Azazel realized that he could not continue down this path. He knew that he had to give up the artifact and atone for his sins. With great effort, he returned the artifact to its resting place and vanished from the earth.

Azazel's story lived on, a cautionary tale of the dangers of power and the corrupting influence of evil. And even though he was gone, his legend lived on, a testament to the enduring power of the demon who had once ruled over the world.

What the author thinks of it

I was impressed that AI could create a decent story, but then I wasn’t surprised. It makes for a light read and if I had written this type of story, there would be more violence and probably some sex. Hey, I like to write it spicy! The AI program will come in useful for writing blurbs and social media posts anyway, leaving me more time to write the good stories.

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