
Saturday 31 March 2012

Catherine Green Radio Interview - Cauldron FM

It gives me great pleasure to share my very first live internet radio interview. Here I talk about my debut paranormal romance novel Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel), the inspiration for my Redcliffe series, and life as a pagan mother. Have a listen, and I appreciate any feedback...

Sunday 25 March 2012

7 Lines from the 7th Page

This came from Alex Laybourne

I read this blog earlier today and it is such a simple idea yet so effective!

1. Go to page 7 or 77 in your current manuscript
2. Go to line 7
3. Copy down the next seven lines as they are; no cheating
4. Tag 7 other authors

The below comes from the 77th page of my current manuscript Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel), Book 2:

This world intrigued me.  It was vibrant and alive, full of beasts.  I was the only predator in my realm, and it was beginning to feel very lonely.  Pausing momentarily, I glanced sharply around, taking in my surroundings.  I was aware of smaller animals disappearing into burrows and nests, desperate to avoid capture and certain death.  They were of no consequence to me at this time.  I needed something bigger, something strong and worthy of my time and energy.  Staring ahead, I saw the swish of a wolf’s tail as it disappeared into the undergrowth. 


That was fun! Now I will tag 7 authors, although I’m not sure if they’ll see this post.

  1. Alex Laybourne
  2. Borislava Borissova
  3. Y. Correa
  4. L. Filloon
  5. C.E. Hart
  6. Cheryel Hutton
  7. Deborah R. Turner

Friday 23 March 2012

Sex, Secrets and Scandal - Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel)

I have recently had the pleasure of some more positive verbal reviews for my debut paranormal romance novel Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel).  In fact, they were quite amusing responses. I sold a book to a lady who is a regular customer at my local hairdressing salon. She read the book and then loaned it to her friend. Both ladies know me by sight as we often pass in town. They always say hello to my baby daughter as she sits in her pushchair.

It turns out they both commented to my hairdresser about the nature of Love Hurts. Their comments were something along the lines of, “You mean, that young girl wrote that book? Well I never! It’s a bit saucy. Always the quiet ones!” I was delighted to have such a response. I always enjoy surprising people, and those that think they know me have rather a shock when they read my book. I then tell them it will only get worse as the series develops!

Another happy reader wrote to me on Facebook recently to say she got very excited while reading the book on a tram. Her comments made me chuckle, and I am happy to know that people of all ages are enjoying Love Hurts. I must admit I thought it would have a very select audience. As it turns out, there is more appeal than you might think. When I think about it, Love Hurts is simply a book about sex, secrets and scandal. It is the paranormal soap opera of the UK. Enjoy! 

By the way, if you are in the UK, I will be at the Rosemary Douglas Mind, Body and Spirit event at Nantwich Civic Hall in Cheshire on Saturday 31st March and Sunday 1st April. I will be signing copies of Love Hurts and the Young Adult short story anthology The Mirador Fantasmagoria. I will also be offering Tarot and Oracle card readings for spiritual guidance and counseling.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Write & Share, Professional Novel Writing Services

I am delighted to announce that I now offer a professional copy edit, proofreading and critique service for your novels and short stories. Together with a team of experienced professionals, including bestselling novelists and industry experts, Write & Share will assist you in your dream to become a published author.

We will help you to edit your work to the best possible standard, and to produce high quality eBooks if you desire. Add to that a vibrant web community of writers, publishers and readers, who will always be on hand for advice and support as you embark on your writing journey.

For more information please see

Rosemary Douglas Mind Body Spirit Events: Catherine Green - Paranormal Author

Rosemary Douglas Mind Body Spirit Events: Catherine Green - Paranormal Author: Catherine Green , author of Love Hurts , will be available for book signing at the Nantwich Mind Body Spirit Event. You can follow Cathe...

Monday 19 March 2012

Mind, Body and Spirit Event in Nantwich, Cheshire, UK

Fabulous news!

I will be exhibiting at the prestigious Mind, Body and Spirit event at Nantwich Civic Hall, Nantwich, Cheshire on Saturday 31st March and Sunday 1st April. I will primarily be available to do Tarot readings and Oracle card readings for people seeking spiritual guidance. But I will also be selling copies of my paranormal romance novel Love Hurts and young adult anthology The Mirador Fantasmagoria.

The Mind, Body and Spirit event is a fantastic place to meet new people and try new experiences. You could  have a Tarot reading, or an Oracle card reading for a bit of spiritual guidance. You could have some holisitc therapy. I particularly recommend Eternal Healing Therapies for reiki, Swedish body massage, reflexology, Indian head massage and Ear Candling. There will be people offering aura imaging, psychic art, and a variety of merchandise.

There will also be an intinery of workshops and talks that you can attend, all included in the very reasonable entry price. For more details see their website

See you there!

Friday 9 March 2012

Catherine Green Author Interview with Bitten by Paranormal Romance

I am pleased to show you an author interview with Bitten by Paranormal Romance, along with a book review. Although the review is negative, I take it as constructive and appreciate the honesty of my reviewer. We can't please them all!

Love Hurts on the Vampire Book Realm

Please see my latest author feature for Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) on the brand new website The Vampire Book Realm. If you  like books with bite, you will love this!

Catherine Green Author Interview with NAWR

I recently joined a brilliant organisation called the National Association for Women on the Rise. This is a group who celebrate women entrepreneurs, business women, and female authors. Cue my latest author interview, featured on both the NAWR website and the blog of its founder, Sylvia Browder.


Tuesday 6 March 2012

Love Vampires, Love Werewolves, Love Paranormal Romance

Just a reminder that I will be on the Coffee Time Romance Chatters eLoop tomorrow afternoon (evening) hosting Love those Vampires and Werewolves! The chat is scheduled between 3:00pm and 5:00pm EST (8:00pm - 10:00pm BST) and it will be lovely to chat.

I will discuss my debut British paranormal romance novel Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel), and will run a competition to win a signed paperback copy. We can talk about why we love vampires and werewolves, and which we prefer, and I will even talk about the forthcoming Redcliffe sequel Love Kills.

Join me tomorrow (Wednesday 7th March), grab a cuppa, and we can settle down for a chat!

Friday 2 March 2012

World Book Day and my Local Library

Yesterday was World Book Day. I was going to post this article on time, but when I sat down at the computer I became engrossed in my manuscript for Love Redeems, the third book in my Redcliffe paranormal romance series. Anyway, aside from writing, I am a life-long book lover. I probably mentioned that already. It kind of goes with the territory of being an author.

Buy Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel) today
On Tuesday I took my daughter to our local library for a weekly 'Rhymetime' session. This is a great little group where babies and toddlers are entertained by singing nursery rhymes and reading books. The library assistant who ran the session informed us that in honour of World Book Day, our children would each receive a voucher for a free book. Fantastic!

She then encouraged the adults to peruse a pile of books on an adjacent table. These books were wrapped in brown paper, and were not labelled. We were invited to pick up a 'mystery' book and loan it from the library as part of their World Book Day celebration. I had to check it out! So I selected a juicy looking package and took it home.

How exciting to have a mystery  book! When we returned home, I put it on the table and avoided it for as long as possible to prolong the excitement of this annual event. (Yes I am a geek!) So what was this book? Take a look:

It is a contemporary thriller set on a remote Scottish island. This is a genre that I haven't read for a long time, so it will be quite a treat. Thank you, World Book Day!

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!)