
Friday 23 March 2012

Sex, Secrets and Scandal - Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel)

I have recently had the pleasure of some more positive verbal reviews for my debut paranormal romance novel Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel).  In fact, they were quite amusing responses. I sold a book to a lady who is a regular customer at my local hairdressing salon. She read the book and then loaned it to her friend. Both ladies know me by sight as we often pass in town. They always say hello to my baby daughter as she sits in her pushchair.

It turns out they both commented to my hairdresser about the nature of Love Hurts. Their comments were something along the lines of, “You mean, that young girl wrote that book? Well I never! It’s a bit saucy. Always the quiet ones!” I was delighted to have such a response. I always enjoy surprising people, and those that think they know me have rather a shock when they read my book. I then tell them it will only get worse as the series develops!

Another happy reader wrote to me on Facebook recently to say she got very excited while reading the book on a tram. Her comments made me chuckle, and I am happy to know that people of all ages are enjoying Love Hurts. I must admit I thought it would have a very select audience. As it turns out, there is more appeal than you might think. When I think about it, Love Hurts is simply a book about sex, secrets and scandal. It is the paranormal soap opera of the UK. Enjoy! 

By the way, if you are in the UK, I will be at the Rosemary Douglas Mind, Body and Spirit event at Nantwich Civic Hall in Cheshire on Saturday 31st March and Sunday 1st April. I will be signing copies of Love Hurts and the Young Adult short story anthology The Mirador Fantasmagoria. I will also be offering Tarot and Oracle card readings for spiritual guidance and counseling.

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