
Saturday 16 June 2012

Love Kills, Love Redeems, the Writer's Muse

Well, my Muse has been on a roll this evening! I had been a little lazy and had not written anything in Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel) for almost a week. There was plenty happening in my mind; in fact I'm currently about two chapters ahead of what I have actually written. I just haven't found the time to sit at the computer and write.

Tonight I forced myself to catch up, and I was amazed! My Muse simply took off, my fingers flew over the keys, and before I knew it I had written two more chapters which were totally different to what I had stored in my head. They were far better. I also lost two hours, and now it is very late (or very early, depending on how you look at it) and I simply must retire to bed.

Before I go, I will just share a few more links. Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel) is now available for the Kindle on Amazon UK and US. Knock yourselves out! I mean, enjoy...

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