
Friday 30 November 2012

I’m a #NaNoWriMo Winner 2012, Hooray!

I did it! I won NaNoWriMo 2012 and I feel epic (to quote a rather annoying British television commercial!) My final word count came in at a very healthy 50,055, which means that by the time I finish editing the manuscript, I will have a decent sized novel to pitch. Wonderful! I am also totally in love with the story, which is always a bonus.

The month has been a long one, and it isn’t even over. NaNoWriMo 2012 was definitely harder than NaNoWriMo 2011. Perhaps this was because in 2011 I was writing the sequel to my debut novel and it was all clearly mapped out in my mind. Perhaps it was the fact that I then had a child under the age of 1, who was easily satisfied with a nap and some sensory toys. Whatever, this year was a tough one.

But I did it, and in just 25 days! I know there are many hundreds (and probably thousands) of other NaNoWriMo winners around the world, some who finished ahead of me, and to those I say hearty congratulations. To my fellow Wrimos who are still slogging at the final hurdles, do not give up. You will do this, and we will meet at the finish line! 

Meet the Vampire Book Realm Authors at Coffee Time Romance

I have already posted about this a few weeks’ ago, but remember our date for Friday 30th November (oh, that would be today, now in fact!) I will be live in the Latte Lounge at Coffee Time Romance, along with my fellow authors from the Vampire Book Realm.

This is an all-day event, so drop by anytime and say hello! We are running cool competitions, discussing all aspects of our books, and I will even post excerpts from my newest vampire tale, The Vampire of Blackpool (fresh from the NaNoWriMo press!)

So remember, pop in to our forum any time today at Coffee Time Romance. If you love vampires, you will love the Vampire Book Realm… 

Friday 23 November 2012

#NaNoWriMo – It’s in the Bag!

Well, this year’s NaNoWriMo challenge has proved especially tough, and it is only my second attempt at the contest! It was easier to write last year partly because I was writing the sequel to my debut novel and the story was already planned, and partly because my daughter was under 1 and therefore easier to entertain.

This month, in NaNoWriMo 2012, my novel has literally been a surprise to me. My title is The Vampire of Blackpool. It probably won’t stick, but it was all I could come up with in time for the challenge. My story has literally developed every time I sit down to write. I have no prior understanding of my characters or the plot. All I knew in the beginning was that I had a female vampire living in solitude on the outskirts of Blackpool. She was a traditional vampire, feeding and killing humans with no sense of remorse. It was supposed to be a horror story.

It hasn’t quite turned out that way, but I am still happy with the developments. My vampire, Meredith Hanson, has been on a killing spree. A vampire hunter is also chasing her and they have so far battled to near-death and then engaged in conversation, albeit brief. She feels something for him, but she is confused. Meredith has also become intimately acquainted with a young nurse who just happens to be a witch, and this sub-plot has taken me by surprise during the last couple of days.

The icing on the cake for NaNoWriMo 2012 has been the arrival in my story of a familiar face from the Redcliffe novels. Detective Jack Mason has arrived on the scene! He has travelled up from Cornwall to Lancashire, and it seems that he and Meredith have a history. We might learn a little about it soon enough, but I am not sure. I will give Meredith free reign to tell her story. My muse has suddenly woken up and seems very eager to share. Wonderful!

So, as it stands, I am now at 38,493 words. I have to write another 11,507 words in just 8 days. The estimate is to write 1,439 words per day, according to my stats on the NaNoWriMo website. This means I will finish my novel on 29th November. Perfect! And, a little early but I’m feeling generous, Merry Christmas!

Mind, Body and Spirit Event – Alderley Edge, Cheshire

Join me on Sunday 2nd December 2012 from 10:00am – 5:00pm for a Mind, Body and Spirit Event at Festival Hall, Talbot Road, Alderley Edge, SK9 7HR.
“Experience The Magic of The Angel and Fairy Grotto”

“You can experience the Magic of The Angel and Fairy Grotto where the Fairy Godmother will be with her Angels and Fairies from the Sanctuary.  If you would like to leave a message in the Post Box for Fairyland, then the Fairy Godmother will make sure it gets there.  The cost is just a Stamped Addressed Envelope.”

 At this event I will do Tarot and Oracle card readings offering spiritual guidance and a new perspective on the trials of everyday life. If you have a question that needs an answer, I will help you understand a little more. If you feel a little lost or unsure about your current situation, the cards may guide us towards a positive and fulfilling resolution. I draw upon my experience as a witch and a shaman in training when I do my readings, which means you may not always receive the answers you expect. I am always genuine, and I believe that we must all learn to take responsibility for our own lives, however that may be.

I will also sell signed copies of my adult paranormal romance series the Redcliffe Novels. Set in Cornwall, England, the Redcliffe novels follow the adventures of bookshop owner Jessica Stone as she unwittingly falls in love with a vampire, becomes entangled with his identical twin brother's werewolf pack, and then discovers she is a witch.

In the newly released sequel Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel) Jessica Stone recovers from an horrific werewolf attack and comes to terms with revelations that her lover, Jack Mason, is a vampire, his brother, Danny, the werewolf pack leader, and her best friend, Simon, is a werewolf.  Add to that her discovery that she is a witch, and life is suddenly a whole lot harder than it used to be. Jessica has to fight for her own life and Jack’s when faced with his jealous vampire master who wants her old lover back. But things are never easy, and a vampire master is not so easy to defeat…

As we approach the long-anticipated energy shift on 21st December (21/12/12), this event promises to be very exciting and exhilarating. It is time to stop wandering among the flock, and to step out into our own individual spaces of light. Join me, embrace your truth, and be happy…

Mind, Body and Spirit Event – Whitchurch, Shropshire

Join me on Saturday 1st December 2012 from 10:00am – 5:00pm for a Mind, Body and Spirit Event at the Whitchurch Civic Centre (Market Hall), High Street, Shropshire, SY13 1AX.

At this event I will do Tarot and Oracle card readings offering spiritual guidance and a new perspective on the trials of everyday life. If you have a question that needs an answer, I will help you understand a little more. If you feel a little lost or unsure about your current situation, the cards may guide us towards a positive and fulfilling resolution. I draw upon my experience as a witch and a shaman in training when I do my readings, which means you may not always receive the answers you expect. I am always genuine, and I believe that we must all learn to take responsibility for our own lives, however that may be.

I will also sell signed copies of my adult paranormal romance series the Redcliffe Novels. Set in Cornwall, England, the Redcliffe novels follow the adventures of bookshop owner Jessica Stone as she unwittingly falls in love with a vampire, becomes entangled with his identical twin brother's werewolf pack, and then discovers she is a witch.

In the newly released sequel Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel) Jessica Stone recovers from an horrific werewolf attack and comes to terms with revelations that her lover, Jack Mason, is a vampire, his brother, Danny, the werewolf pack leader, and her best friend, Simon, is a werewolf.  Add to that her discovery that she is a witch, and life is suddenly a whole lot harder than it used to be. Jessica has to fight for her own life and Jack’s when faced with his jealous vampire master who wants her old lover back. But things are never easy, and a vampire master is not so easy to defeat…

As we approach the long-anticipated energy shift on 21st December (21/12/12), this event promises to be very exciting and exhilarating. It is time to stop wandering among the flock, and to step out into our own individual spaces of light. Join me, embrace your truth, and be happy…

Tuesday 20 November 2012

#NaNoWriMo - Beginning to Panic

My weekend did not turn out to be quite so productive as I anticipated. My dreams of sitting in an ancient library, tapping away at my laptop, never transpired. I was kept away from NaNoWriMo, busy with the family; sightseeing, exploring, and enjoying fresh air and good food. I had a thoroughly relaxing break. But I only managed to write another 1000 words.

Returning home yesterday, the panic began to bite. The finish line looms for NaNoWriMo 2012. I had only written 26,430 words. It would be a disaster. Last night I was too exhausted to even look at the computer, and so I opted to go to bed early. This morning I was distracted with mother-daughter activities, which continued into the afternoon.

Tonight I finally sat down at my computer and began to write. I had to do it for NaNoWriMo. I will not be beaten! I wrote another 2000+ words and got my word count up to 28,828. Then I consulted the NaNoWriMo tools on my author dashboard on their website. It was not looking good. I needed to do at least another 2000 words to be in with a fighting chance.

Now I am up to 30,162. Phew! I am back in the game, although it is still very touch and go. My current estimated finishing date is Dec 4th. Not good enough. I will finish on Nov 30th if it kills me! By my calculations, I have to write roughly 2000 words per day to bring it back under control. I have to write 30,000 words in the next 10 days. Watch this space…

Wednesday 14 November 2012

NaNoWriMo - Half Way There

As I write this post I am feeling very happy. After a somewhat stilted and disjointed start to the month I managed to get my ass into gear and am now officially half way through my NaNoWriMo project. Hooray! Who knew I could magically find the time to write 25,011 words in just 14 days, complete with a demanding toddler in tow? Apparently I could, I did, and I am on track to succeed!

The novel is shaping up nicely, although my inner editor is already screaming that it is not good enough, we need to re-read what we have written, and we need to tear it to pieces and rebuild. Nope, not during November! This month is all about the writing. I am in my stride. I sit at the computer, stare at the screen, place my fingers on the keys and allow my Muse to take control. The demon editor can wait until after NaNoWriMo. I will not return to the manuscript until some time in December, once I have come down from the elation of succeeding at my second year of the challenge.

Oh yes, I will succeed! I am actually away this weekend for a short family holiday. Fortunately I can use it to my advantage. My very understanding husband and parents in-law have agreed that I may take my laptop and shut myself away in the library at the farm in which we are staying. I can indulge in some pure, uninterrupted writing time in a setting that promises to be both romantic, isolated and inspiring.

I will emerge from my writer's cave at some point during the weekend. I do intend to be sociable, to enjoy some long walks in the Yorkshire countryside with my family, and to enjoy a hearty meal or two. But always at the back of my mind will lurk the manuscript, the NaNoWriMo challenge, and my desperate need to succeed in the competition once again. It is a wonderful tool for motivation!

Saturday 10 November 2012

Coffee Time Romance presents the Vampire Book Realm!

Join me for a very exciting day on Friday 30th November, where you can chat to all your favourite vampire authors from the Vampire Book Realm. I will be there to talk about the Redcliffe novels, and I will share excerpts from Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) and Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel), including special exclusive short stories that didn’t make the final cut. If I am in a really good mood I might even share excerpts from my new novel, the third in the series, Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel)

If you love vampires, if you are still reeling from the excitement of the latest Twilight film release, then this is the place for you! Join us live in the Latte Lounge at Coffee Time Romance, and we can quench your thirst for all things fanged and dangerous…

See you there!

Tuesday 6 November 2012

NaNoWriMo and Crazy November

We are just into day 7 of NaNoWriMo and the month is already crazy busy! I was set back on the first day by a last-minute excursion to a local theme park. We had free tickets, they had a special Halloween theme, I couldn't say no! Anyway, I got back on track with my NaNoWriMo project by hitting the keys for two days of furious writing. My novel is still very vague, and this is the first time I have sat down with absolutely no idea of what I am writing. It is quite exhilarating really, when I transform a blank page into a work of prose.

Well, after that mad dash to get started, I was hit by a sickness bug which wiped me out for 2 days. I was so not impressed! Actually I really needed some rest, so I took the opportunity and tried not to let the little NaNoWriMo demon shout too loud. Today I got back on track, wrote another 4000 words, and am almost up to speed. According to the official website stats I will now finish my NaNoWriMo project on Dec 5th. That is not good enough. I must do better. I will do better tomorrow, after I have slept!

So, away from the crazy month of writing, there are several other things demanding my attention in November. I have already done a live author interview on a local internet radio station, 6 Towns Radio. I have scheduled a live interview with a community internet radio station, KTPF, later in November. This has yet to be confirmed but I am already looking forward to it. And all of a sudden I have several author interviews to prepare for various websites. I hadn't even consciously planned them, they just sort of happened. Don't you just love events like that? It's all excellent fodder for the pre-Christmas sales promotion.

Ho Ho Ho!

Friday 2 November 2012

NaNoWriMo 2012 - Here We Go!

It is finally here! NaNoWriMo, that magical month of writing abandon that has haunted and taunted me, always lingering somewhere in the back of my conscious mind, always whispering that it would be here soon and I had better get my affairs in order. Well, November is here, and I missed the first day. Oh dear!

It wasn't my fault, honest. My best friend procured free tickets to a local theme park, and the season closes this weekend. They had a special Halloween entertainment package, and I hadn't experienced it since I worked there several years ago. We had to participate. So, I allowed myself one more day off, and today I intend to get stuck in. I will write double the daily quota of words for NaNoWriMo. I will. I definitely will...

So, I have sat down in front of the computer with my daughter safely in bed where she will (hopefully) sleep for another hour. The dog is curled up on the sofa and won't demand his walk until later in the day. I am distraction-free. The moment has come. I stare at a blank page. The unwritten words taunt me. They whisper to me, but I can't hear them. Where do I begin? How do I start? I am about to write yet another masterpiece, but I cannot form even the first sentence. This is not looking good.

I will not give up. I will not be defeated. I succeeded in NaNoWriMo 2011, and I will damn sure do the same with NaNoWriMo 2012. At least I have a story. Now all I need to do is call on my Muse, tempt her out of hiding, and let my fingers do the talking... See you on the other side folks!