
Tuesday 20 November 2012

#NaNoWriMo - Beginning to Panic

My weekend did not turn out to be quite so productive as I anticipated. My dreams of sitting in an ancient library, tapping away at my laptop, never transpired. I was kept away from NaNoWriMo, busy with the family; sightseeing, exploring, and enjoying fresh air and good food. I had a thoroughly relaxing break. But I only managed to write another 1000 words.

Returning home yesterday, the panic began to bite. The finish line looms for NaNoWriMo 2012. I had only written 26,430 words. It would be a disaster. Last night I was too exhausted to even look at the computer, and so I opted to go to bed early. This morning I was distracted with mother-daughter activities, which continued into the afternoon.

Tonight I finally sat down at my computer and began to write. I had to do it for NaNoWriMo. I will not be beaten! I wrote another 2000+ words and got my word count up to 28,828. Then I consulted the NaNoWriMo tools on my author dashboard on their website. It was not looking good. I needed to do at least another 2000 words to be in with a fighting chance.

Now I am up to 30,162. Phew! I am back in the game, although it is still very touch and go. My current estimated finishing date is Dec 4th. Not good enough. I will finish on Nov 30th if it kills me! By my calculations, I have to write roughly 2000 words per day to bring it back under control. I have to write 30,000 words in the next 10 days. Watch this space…

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