
Wednesday 19 December 2012

Hump Day Hook - Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel)

Here is another sample from my second Redcliffe novel, Love Kills, for this week's Hump Day Hook:

           Here I was reluctant to speak.  It was one thing to accept the reality of werewolves and vampires when they were physically attacking me.  But to accept that the spirit of my dead mother, who just happened to be a witch, was actually holding conversations in my mind was something I struggled with.  Jack saw the confusion in my expression, and suddenly he was there in front of me.  I hadn’t seen him move, and my heart lurched into my throat.  He very gently put his arms around me, and gathered me against his body in a tight hug. 

            “She is real, Jessica,” he said quietly, “I feel her energy around you.  She has spoken in my dreams also, to warn me about protecting you.”
            I drew away from him in surprise, and looked up into his face.

            “You have spoken to her?” I asked incredulously, “When?”

            Jack stared at me with those brilliant blue eyes, and I almost lost myself in the depths of blue flame.  I struggled with the urge to throw myself into his arms again.  My lips twitched with the need to kiss him, and the force of my love was terrifying.  I stood straight and stiff, willing myself to be strong.  Jack spoke quietly, holding my gaze. 

If you like what you see, check out my author website for a free short werewolf story and links to my books for sale. See our Facebook group Hump Day Hook for more exciting novel excerpts and fantastic authors! You can also see a list of participants here.

Merry Christmas!  


  1. I didn't want the excerpt to end. Gripping stuff, great hook

  2. Catherine, I know this is going to be good-- I bought it and am looking forward to reading it!

    1. Thank you Flossie, I'm sure you will enjoy it!

  3. Great Hook. I wanted more especially to know what he is. :)

  4. I liked the snippet and wanted to learn more.

  5. Awesome twist! I'm with Naomi...I didn't want it to end!

    1. Cheers! There will be more in a couple of weeks!

  6. WHat did he say? WHat did he say? I have to know!!

    Yep, that was definitely a Hook!

    1. Ha ha, you will have to read the book to find out! Thanks for commenting.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.
