
Monday 28 January 2013

#amwriting My Writing Schedule January Review

I think it might be nice to write a post about my monthly achievements with writing projects throughout 2013. If nothing else, it will give me a focus and a goal for which to do my writing. I find that my motivation is greatly improved if I have a word count target and a fixed deadline for my work. When I have no specific aim or plan, I tend to waver and procrastinate. My stories are always developing in my mind, but they don't always progress onto paper (or screen).

When we began 2013, just a month ago, I decided to write a minimum of 1000 words per day. I have almost managed to keep up that target. I don't always write on the computer, and I do include my blog posts in that target. I have been writing more in my journals, which I feel will become very useful in later years as and when I make the move to writing non-fiction. The point is, I am writing something. Perhaps I shouldn't be so hung up on facts and figures. As a writer, the main aim is to produce content that people will want to read. I am doing that. It is just coming together slowly.

There are several factors involved here. The main one is my toddler, who is with me 24/7. She starts playschool next week, which means I will finally have a fixed rota in which to work. I am quite excited at the prospect. It will give me a minimum of 15 hours per week to develop my freelance business and to work on my manuscripts and short stories. Wonderful! For now I will continue as I have been, writing as and when the mood takes me. I have submitted a short story for an anthology that I hope will be accepted by the publisher. I am currently confirming cover art and final agreements for the release of my third Redcliffe novel Love Redeems. Everything is falling into place. 2013 is off to a good start!


  1. What freelance business will you start in February?

    My goal was to write 2k words a day. Due to university exams, I didn't meet that goal. This month I wrote about 40k words so far, but I'm hoping to up that number to 50k by the end of the month. One more exam to go (wednesday) and then I'll spend the entire thursday writing.

    Good luck with your goals! I'm keeping track of mine as well this year, because I hope it'll make me more productive.

    My Blog

    1. Well done, that is an impressive total considering your exam schedule as well.

      My freelance work will be professional writing services: copy editing, ghost writing, that sort of thing. I am building a business plan at the moment and will begin working on a client base over the coming months. The idea is to fit it around mothering and domestic duties...

      Good luck with your exams, and thanks for stopping by!

    2. Thank you, and good luck with your business!

  2. Well done on keeping the momentum up!! I'm ashamed to say I haven't looked at my manuscript in months!! I WILL GET THERE!!!! an inspiration as always Cathy-loved the photo!! You look perfectly at home with so Manu books around you x

    1. Thank you! And get your ass in gear lady! I want something new to read when we next see each other... Oh yes, but I am more at home in a library or secondhand bookshop... or Hay-on-Wye! ; )
