
Wednesday 9 January 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH - Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel)

Good morning and welcome to this week's Hump Day Hook. Today I am sharing an excerpt from my third Redcliffe novel Love Redeems. The book is due for release very soon, and I am excited to report that this installment proves to be the most action-packed and passionate offering yet! Here is the excerpt, but be warned, it is not for those of a delicate disposition...

“Jessica,” Danny gasped again, his voice struggling to sound human, “Jessica, please, let me go.  You do not want to do this.”
            I laughed, lowering my face to his.  He smelled of woodland, fresh foliage, running water, and something clean and fresh and alive.  I inhaled deeply, closing my eyes as I savoured the sensation.  While I did this I held tight to his arms, feeling the strain of hard muscle beneath my fingers, which triggered a tightening in my body.  Opening my eyes, I found Danny staring helplessly at me.  His struggle faded as he fell into the hypnotic emerald depths of my gaze.  His wolf eyes glowed at me, and he scented my skin as I moved in for a kiss.
            “You smell of tiger,” he growled softly, “I have never experienced this before.”
            “Enjoy it while you can,” I growled in response, and then I touched my lips to his, softly at first and then harder, passionate, forcing my power into and through his body. 
            I writhed on top of him, my nails gouging the skin of his arms, my power flowing straight into the alpha and calling out to his pack.  Behind me I heard Simon cry out.
            “No!” he shouted, “Jessica, stop this, now!”

What do you make of that? Exciting stuff! If you would like to see the offerings of my fellow group members, please see our Facebook Hump Day Hook group, or check out the blog by Kerrianne Coombes for a full list of participants. I will update you when I have a fixed release date for Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel), but in the meantime see my author website for books 1 and 2 in the series; Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) and Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel).


  1. An intriguing hook. I have a feeling it's not about passion but some kind of a punishment. I'd definitely like to learn what happens next.

    1. Thank you, and I'm glad it wasn't overtly sexual with the suggestion. Yes, this story is definitely about the fine line between passion and pain, especially when it concerns supernatural creatures.

  2. Nice hook. Left me wanting more.

  3. Oooh, intriguing. What is she up to? Definitely want to know more. Great hook!

    1. Ha ha, wouldn't you like to know? It gets better, trust me! ; )

  4. One minute I'm thinking one thing and the next I'm thinking another. Great hook, Catherine.

    1. Thanks Jennifer. We like to keep readers guessing!

  5. Very good hook. She's definitely not in it for the romance.

  6. Go, Jessica, Go! LOL Love how she is the dominate one. Great hook! :)

    1. Thanks! My women do not take a back seat, no chance! We are a tough bunch, and proud of it!

  7. Replies
    1. Well, you'll have to read the book and find out! ; )

  8. Damn that Simon! ;) Great hook!

  9. Thanks! Hey, he loves his Alpha... ; )
