
Wednesday 27 February 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH - Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel)

          Welcome to another weekly excerpt from the Hump Day Hook! Here is a little something from my upcoming new novel Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel), where we see interaction between our heroine Jessica Stone and one of her errant vampires, Marcus Scott...

Marcus appeared from among the trees, moving with such speed that I barely registered him at first.  I screamed again as he landed on me.  He pushed me to the ground, straddling my body and pinning my arms above my head.  I bucked and kicked beneath him, trying desperately to free myself.  Suri roared through my mouth, and I welcomed the sheer strength of her power as it flowed through me.  But the vampire was stronger.  Although I rode the power of my animal familiar, I was a newly awakened witch and my abilities were still largely undiscovered.  Marcus used his physical strength to pin me to the ground.
“Do not fight me, witch,” he hissed, “I could strike you now and drink you dry.”

For more excerpts from other fabulous authors, please see our blog page for the Hump Day Hook, or find us on Facebook.


  1. oooh. Sexy, bad vampire! LOL Nice hook x

    1. Ha ha, I know, gotta love Marcus for being the true archetype! Thanks.

  2. He is scary right at this moment! I enjoy reading your heroine's journey.

    1. Thanks Flossie. Well, he is a vampire and their very nature makes them unpredictable...

  3. Great hook. I'm sucked in by her fear and wanting to jump in and save her myself.

    1. Thanks Angelica. Don't worry, Jessica can handle herself!

  4. Yes, yes, yes. All of the above. Great hook. I want more.

  5. Eek! Fight him, Jessica! Great hook!

  6. Part of me wants her to fight him..but another part of me doesn't. Great hook!

    1. That is the problem! She likes Marcus, but he is a little overbearing at times. Thanks for commenting.

  7. Ooh, very exciting, and dangerous! Great hook.

  8. So intense....what does the vampire want...and will she fight? Great hook!

    1. Indeed! It depends on how she chooses to fight as well... Thanks for commenting!

  9. he could but for a reason doesn't do so. I'd love to know why.

    1. That is the question. What is her hold over him?

  10. This is my kind of fiction. A snarling vamp and a witch. Love it. Want to read more about these characters. Great job.

    1. Thank you! Oh I know, good old fashioned supernatural storytelling, I love writing it!

  11. Down, boy, down! *grins and hides*

    I have no idea why that was the first thing to pop in my head, lol. I certainly have a lot more respect for vamps than that. My own darlings are glaring at me. ;) Seriously, though, powerful description, it definitely drew me in and left me craving more.

    It also makes me really curious about how a familiar works. It seems like her familiar resides in her somehow, while in other books I've read, the familiar is a separate entity that comes and goes as needed or desired. Hmm, adding all the Redcliffe novels to my TBR list now. I have to know, lol.

    1. Ha ha, thanks Jade! Well it's funny you say that, because I always thought a familiar was a separate animal too. The snow tiger really took me by surprise when she appeared actually, but she certainly makes life more interesting!

  12. I love the danger in this.I want to fight Marcus. I'm hooked

    1. You couldn't fight Marcus, he would win you over eventually! That vampire does love a challenge though... Thanks for commenting.

  13. Me thinks he better watch it once she gets a hold of those powers!! Lol

    1. You think correctly! Poor old Marcus doesn't realise what he is letting himself in for!

  14. My Name is Kelly Williams from Canada, i turn to a vampire any time i want to, I become a real vampire because of how people treat me, This world is a wicked world and not fair to any body. At the snack of my finger things are made happened. Am now a powerful vampire and no one step on me without an apology goes free. I turn to human being also at any time i want to. And am one of the most dreaded and respected person in my country. i am now also very famous and rich with the help of the VAMPIRES EMPIRE. i get what ever a want. i become a vampire through the help of my friend who introduce me into a vampire Kingdom by given me their email:, if you want to become a powerful and a real vampire kindly contact the vampire kingdom on their email: for help. it is real. Contact them today.
