
Thursday 7 March 2013

Celebrate World Book Day

Today is World Book Day. Did I mention before that I love books? Well, I do! And I am doubly excited because my daughter’s pre-school are taking part in the event by requesting that the children dress up as their favourite book characters. Now, my daughter is only 2 years old, so this could be tricky. She is very independent, and she has very definite ideas about what she will and will not do.

But, she loves books, just like her Mummy! And at the moment she has a little obsession with Peppa Pig. So, I have the bright idea to dress her up as Peppa Pig. She has a pink dress that will suit, and I am attempting to make a mask and a curly tail to complete the outfit. Simple but effective (I hope!).

When I first heard about World Book Day I really wanted to be a part of it, but I didn’t know how. I mean, it was difficult, being a new mother and experiencing all sorts of new lifestyle situations. Today I will make a small contribution by attending my local library in Middlewich, Cheshire, where they are hosting a story time and tea session at 11:00. My daughter loves visiting the library, and it is a place that instantly calms me down when I am feeling stressed.

If you want to do something for World Book Day, why not check out your own local library for events? Or see their website for a list of events and activities. Also, get your World Book Day tokens for children’s books. I have received two tokens from my daughter’s pre-school, and I cannot wait to go and purchase her new books. Hooray for books! Happy World Book Day.

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  1. I so want to see the outfit!!! And Happy world book day! I think days like today are incredibly important. Think of all the wonderful ideas and information we can share just with the written language! I LOVE BOOKS SO MUCH!!!!!

    1. I will post a photo don't you worry! Yes, books truly are the best thing ever!
