
Friday 15 March 2013

Lucky in Love Blog Hop for St Patrick’s Day #LuckHop

It is that time of year when we start to look forward to warmer weather and begin the process of spring-cleaning. This seems to be a spiritual ritual, even though many people probably won’t see it that way. We feel the urge to clear out the backlog of jobs, chores and clutter that has accumulated during the cold, dark winter months, and we brighten up in preparation for spring and summer.

March also sees the celebration of St Patrick’s Day in Ireland and for those natives around the world. St Patrick represents luck, and today we mark the occasion by bringing you the Lucky in Love Blog Hop. Check out some anecdotes from romance authors, share the love, and tell us about your experiences of being Lucky in Love.

I for one am very lucky at the moment. I am happily married to my soul mate, and we have been together since we were 19 years old. I won’t lie; it hasn’t been an easy ride. We are only in our early 30s and we still have a lot more to learn about each other and what it means to be married with young children. But I am happy to have a wonderful husband, a beautiful daughter, and another baby on the way (estimated for a July birth!). Oh, and did I mention I am a quarter Irish? So this day is doubly special for my family.

2013 is proving to be a wonderful year for me already as I celebrate my second pregnancy and the release of my third novel Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel). Since I am so happy and excited, I am going to offer a free signed paperback copy of my first novel Love Hurts (A RedcliffeNovel). If you are not successful in the competition, check out the big giveaway over at Carrie Ann’s Blog for Lucky in Love, or if you visit Wattpad you can read Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) free for a limited time only.

All you need to do is comment on this post and check out some of the other blogs in the Lucky in Love Blog Hop. When the event is over I will select a winner based on the content of your replies, and I will post the book out to you, wherever you are in the world. Of course, you will need to email me your address separately, but we can take care of that later…Happy St Patrick’s Day! 


  1. It's a good thing I don't believe in luck, or I'd be pretty miffed right now! I have no luck with love, and less with money. I am wracked with illness. I was booted out of my PhD program. i had a heart attack. i totaled my car. I have to eat a radioactive isotope-thingy in a few weeks. I have no job or insurance. (Insert violins here...)

    But at last, I've had a chance to use "wracked" in a sentence. And I have astonishing success with thrift stores, landlords, and blog hops. Plus, the radioactive thing is kinda cool! And I enjoy spring weather, and it's finally here. Although I also love winter weather. And fall. And I love blog hops. (Insert disco music here!)

    brendurbanist at gmail dot com

    1. Wow, have you written a book about your experiences? Thanks for commenting, and I agree that "wracked" is a good word to use!

  2. There's always a first time... Thanks for commenting.

  3. Congratulations! I hope you and your family have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day. I know I'm looking forward to green mashed potatoes!


  4. Wonderful! What's the secret to your success? Thanks for commenting.

  5. Congrats on your new pregancy i wish you all the best for both of you.
    i'm not lucky in love yet but i'm lucky to have the supportive family i have and also today is my birtjhday and i thinkink i'm lucky to be able to participate in your giveaway even being international so thank you a lot

    happy St Patrick's day


    1. Thank you and Happy Birthday! Thanks for commenting.

  6. *waves* Hi Catherine. :) Congrats on baby #2, your daughter, and a long happy marriage.
    I too married my soul mate at 19. Lots of people thought we were too young, and all but my MIL said we wouldn't last six months. :P
    It isn't easy, but we make it work. :)

    1. *Waves back* Hello Kitty! Thanks for stopping by. Yes, we have had our difficulties but we keep soldiering on, I think that's all you can do when you are in it for the long term.

  7. Happy St. Patrick's Day and thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com
    GFC: BookAttict

    1. Happy St Patrick's Day and thanks for stopping by!

  8. Thanks for the great giveaway and congrats on the new baby on the way! I have not been lucky in love but hopefully someday. I do feel lucky to have 3 great kids that resulted from my not so great marriage.

    thompsonem3 at aol dot com

    1. Thank you and thanks for commenting. Yes, I never understood the true wonder of having children until I had one. So frustrating but so rewarding, don't you think?

  9. Maybe not yet but there's always a first time, and it will be very special when it happens... Thanks for commenting.

  10. Thank you for the chance to win! Happy St. Patrick's Day!
    verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

  11. Thanks for the great giveaway!
    Happy St.Patrick's Day!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. No luck in love yet...thanks for participating and happy luck day :)

  14. Happy St Patty's Day!


  15. Oh I'm really interested in your story!! the first one anyways looked good :) Congrats on your 3rd one coming out soon! :) And congrats on the pregnancy! <3

    Hope you had a great St. Patricks Day! Thanks for participating in the hop! swtlilangel4jc at yahoo dot com

    1. Thank you! I will draw a winner later today, so watch this space...

  16. I don't know that luck has any bearing on having a successful relationship. It's a whole lot of work. I married my high school sweetheart right out of high school. We have been married for 17 years.
    planterofhope at aol dot com

    1. That is very true. My husband and I are in agreement that we must both work on the relationship to keep it strong. Thanks for commenting.

  17. I think autographed books are the best giveaway!! Thank you!

    susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

    1. Cool, well here's hoping you can add another to your collection... Thanks for commenting!

  18. I got lucky in love :-) I met my husband when i was in high school and we've been together for 15 wonderful years! Thanks for the chance to win!

    kacidesigns AT yahoo DOT com

    1. That is fantastic, well done! Thanks for commenting.

  19. I am lucky in love thanks!

  20. Congrats on the new edition to your family!! Thanks so much for the great giveaway and joining in on the hop!!!
    Ashley A

  21. Are you lucky in other areas though? Thanks for commenting.

  22. Ha ha, sounds like crazy fun! Ooh I haven't heard of that book I will check it out. Thanks for commenting and good luck in the competition.

  23. CONGRATULATIONS! You are the winner of my signed novel in the prize draw! I have emailed you separately and await your response. Thanks for playing!
