
Wednesday 3 April 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH – The Vampire of Blackpool

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. Today I will share a snippet from my manuscript for NaNoWriMo 2012. The novel is called The Vampire of Blackpool, and I was quite pleased with the result. I have yet to return to the project for edits, but I certainly plan to have this one published in the future. Enjoy!

In a flash I was out of my bedroom, leaping through the open window and landing softly on the grass below. I flew across the lawn and leaped over the thick hedgerow that bordered my land. Keeping close to the trees, I stepped nimbly over the muddy ground, my feet barely touching the floor. The dry leaves below never felt my weight, and my bare feet did not recognize the cold temperature. I saw the teenagers walking along the lane, approaching the narrow driveway that led to my house. They had a torch, and the light wobbled and bounced on the tarmac in front of them. They walked close together, a boy and a girl, holding hands. I stalked silently behind, deliberately forcing myself to wait, so that I could savour the moment when I tasted their sweet flesh and drank deeply of their youthful blood.

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*Lady Vampire image courtesy of Pinterest*


  1. Love this hook! I can picture it perfectly in my mind. :)

  2. Beautifully vivid hook! I can't wait to read more!

    1. Thank you Alexandra, I had better hurry up and get the editing done!

  3. Oooh, how intense. Would love to read more!

    1. Thank you Sarah, I will share a few more excerpts just to whet your appetite...

  4. I love the atmosphere in this, really puts me in the hunt.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I wanted this one to be a little darker but still contemporary enough to appeal to a young audience.

  5. Fabulous imagery in this piece. The sense of litheness and weightlessness mingles with giddiness over the prey- love it. I have always been drawn to the word hedgerow.

    1. Thanks Flossie! Ah yes, the word 'hedgerow' to me is a distinctly British institution...

  6. Nice description of a hunt. Thanks for sharing! :)

  7. You drew a picture with your words. Well done. :)

  8. The young ones always taste the sweetest, don't they? My demon would agree with your vampire. They might even get along...if they didn't quarrel over victims, lol. This was a great hook, Catherine. Vivid imagery. I felt as if I was gliding across the ground along with the vampire.

    1. Thanks Jade! Well my vampire is very territorial, but she may be persuaded to accept company if she is bored, which seems to happen a lot lately... ; )

  9. Very descriptive. Well done!
