
Wednesday 24 April 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH – The Vampire of Blackpool

Today I will share just one more excerpt from my unpublished manuscript, The Vampire of Blackpool. This is an exchange between our protagonist, Meredith Hanson, and a vampire hunter she fought with on Blackpool promenade.

    “You will not defeat me, hunter,” I said, “I know all of your tricks.”
    He stared at me, and I refused to look away under his scrutiny.  Instead I stared back, showing him my glowing silver eyes and my gleaming fangs, wet with his blood where I had bitten and nipped him during our fight.  He licked his lips, his body tense beneath me.  I felt his confusion as his mental barrier began to weaken.  My smile widened and I leaned down, my lips a mere inch away from his.
    “You want me, hunter,” I purred, “Admit it.  You want me to kiss you, and you want to taste your blood on my lips.  I know how it works.  You are all the same.”
    I crushed my lips to his and he struggled to push me away, but not before he opened his mouth for me, and our tongues entwined for a moment.  Then he managed to force me back, and I stood up, laughing.
    “Mmm,” I murmured, “Delicious.  I will leave you to recover.  We will meet again.”
    Stepping back slowly and licking my lips, I gave him time to scramble to his feet.

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*Vampire image courtesy of Pinterest


  1. The temptress! LOL Great excerpt!

  2. What a wicked temptress...wonderful snippet!

  3. Evil and seductive. I wonder if he's going to change that.

  4. Sexy and seductive! I can't wait to read more Blackpool. You are so talented.

    1. Thank you Flossie! Yes, now I have revisited the MS I am feeling the need to get it edited and published asap.

  5. I really like the role reversal here. Usually genders are the other way around. Great hook! :)

    1. Thanks Jessica. Yes, I like to shake it up a little...

  6. It sounds like she is tormenting him in more ways than one :D Great teaser :D

    1. She is the ultimate vamp when she wants to be!

  7. Wow! I need to know what happened to lead up to this scene AND what comes after it!

    1. Ha ha, I had better hurry up and publish it then!

  8. She's very seductive indeed. Seems the hunter will have to fight harder. Can't wait to find out how he'll retaliate :)

    1. He will have to fight hard to resist her charms...

  9. That's a hot little tidbit! Thanks for sharing...

  10. Very intense scene! The poor guy, she reads him like a book, then laughs at him. Wonder if things will turn around...

    1. She is a skilled huntress! It is a pretty exciting adventure actually...
