
Wednesday 8 May 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH Victorian Vampire Novel #amwriting

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. Today I have some exciting news to share. My editor has confirmed that Mirador will publish my Redcliffe spin-off novel, The Darkness of Love. I just need to polish the manuscript up and then send it away for them to work their magic, fabulous! So, to celebrate, here is an excerpt from the Victorian vampire story that tells us more about the charming and devilish Marcus Scott.

Marcus was also deep in thought as he held Violet’s soft, supple body against his.  He was thinking about Lady Sarah, he just couldn’t help himself.  She was so beautiful and so delicate.  He couldn’t help but feel that she needed help of some kind, although he didn’t know what.  She seemed happy enough with her husband, and of course Lord Stockton was always very courteous and caring towards her in front of the servants.  But he was a mysterious man, and Marcus had a strange sense of dread mixed in with excitement for his new job.  He couldn’t help but feel that he was walking into a trap, and that Lord Stockton had other plans for him.  Of course this was ridiculous.  Why would such a rich and important man waste time playing games with a servant?  Marcus was simply trying to create adventure where there was none; he knew that.  He should just accept his good fortune and appreciate it for what it was.

There we go! Marcus was always a deep thinker, and this follows through into his present day incarnation as the millionaire businessman in the Redcliffe novels. I am very happy to finally be able to publish his story, and to demonstrate my observations on Victorian historical fiction. Now, why not check out some more Hump Day Hook excerpts over on our blog? Or you can join us on Facebook. Happy Humping!

*Vampire image courtesy of Tumblr


  1. \Congrats! And fab hook x

  2. You've grabbed my attention. I want to know what Lord Stockton has in mind for Marcus

    1. Thank you Naomi. Let's just say that Lord Stockton is a shadowy figure... and one with plans for his family!

  3. I can't wait to find out what Lord Stockton has up his sleeve. I hope Marcus figures it out to his advantage. And-- poor Violet. What's her story?

    1. Thanks! Violet is a minor character, in love with Marcus but doomed to never secure her desired husband.

  4. Wow, so many questions leave me wanting more. Congratulations!

  5. I'm curious to see more of this story. Congrats on your big news!!
