
Tuesday 14 May 2013

The Vampire Hunter #HDH

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. I have decided to share an excerpt from my current work in progress, a novel with a very vague title at the moment. In fact, the whole story is quite vague. For some strange reason my Muse has deserted me, but I am determined not to give up on this one! Here is a sample from the beginning of the novel, and the protagonist of this story is Dr Jennifer Worthington, The Vampire Hunter.

           Her history professor, Dr Kate Morrigan, had tried to warn Jennifer.  She had managed to accidentally disturb the young couple many times before their fateful first kiss.  Of course, she failed in her attempts.  Jennifer had pursued Matthew with a vigour that frightened her.  She had never chased a boy before.  Then again, she had never met a boy like Matthew.  He was romantic, passionate, and he seemed to know a lot about the Tudor family that she was so fascinated by.  Sometimes he spoke as though he knew them personally, telling stories of life at court as though they were memories.  When Jennifer finally found out that he was a vampire, it all fell into place.  He had known the Tudors.  He was ancient.  Matthew Ancory was a very old man in a very young body, and he had tried to turn Jennifer into a vampire to be with him.  Fortunately for her, Dr Morrigan had intervened at the right time, armed with a crossbow and wooden stakes.  The vampire had escaped, but Jennifer’s life changed forever. 

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*Vampire hunter image courtesy of Pinterest 


  1. Great hook, like that she will go from chasing a boy to hunting a vampire!

    1. Thank you! Well, a woman's prerogative and all that... ; )

  2. Hm, so why did Dr. Morrigan stop him from changing her into a vampire? It sounds like she was in love with him, but then she says "fortunately." So has she now come to hate vampires? Ah, so many questions. Nice hook!

    1. Oh, I haven't actually thought about that to be honest, there's an interesting angle. Maybe that is what's missing from the substance of the novel. Thanks!

  3. If I were her I would have a lot of questions to ask about those Tudors! Can't wait to see how her life changes so drastically.

    1. Indeed! Now I have to consult the history books and make sure I get the facts right... ; )

  4. How fascinating. I want to know more...wonderful hook

  5. I can see so much promise in this one. Great hook!

    1. Aw, thanks Ellen! I am feeling inspired and motivated to get back to work and get this one finished and polished up now.

  6. I think you should continue and further explain the “fortunately” and how her life was changed. I’m in the same boat, characters who want their story told but haven’t told me too many details.

    1. Thank you and yes I will. Actually I worked on it a bit yesterday and when I glanced back through, the story didn't seem too bad. It just needs a bit of substance and direction.

  7. I'm wondering if she's still obsessed with him...
