
Wednesday 26 June 2013

Painful Passion in Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) #HDH

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. I am returning to my debut novel, and today I offer an excerpt from Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel), with a scene from the beginning of this passionate and powerful love story.

I led Jack into the small storeroom and then through the adjoining door into my kitchen.  Once inside I turned back to Jack, trying not to throw myself at him.  I crossed my arms and leaned against the cupboards in front of the window.  He looked at me with those piercing blue eyes and then his gaze dropped to my neck.  In a quick stride he was in front of me, gently moving my scarf and reaching out to touch the bruise with fingers that were cold.  How had he seen the bruise?  I was sure I had fixed the scarf properly this time, and Liz said she couldn’t see anything under it.  I winced, more from the coolness of his touch than from the pain.  
“Jessica, I am so sorry, I didn’t realize how rough I was with you.” he said, voice taut with emotion.  
I shook my hair back and blinked slowly, then looked into those amazing eyes.  
“It’s fine honestly.” I said, “I didn’t even feel it until this morning.  So why are you here?”

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  1. Oooh, interesting. Cold touch, bruised neck...I do believe it's more than a hickey...curious how this one plays out.

  2. she still wants to throw herself at him..

  3. Oh, no, is she in love with an abusive man?

    1. Well that is the question. He isn't human, and the boundaries are all blurred but she doesn't know it yet...

  4. Yes, why is he there? I hope she has the courage to stand up for herself.

    1. Poor old Jessica gets herself into trouble, but don't worry, she sorts herself out in the end!

  5. Hope she'll be smart. Nice hook!

    1. She is smart, except for when she falls in love. It's the classic trap of our emotions!

  6. Great hook...great description and it has me intrigued!

  7. Hm, some rough sex? I read the blurb, so it makes sense that it'd be a little rough ;)

    And I'm the same way when it comes to bruising. I don't even realize it's there until it's swollen, black and purple. Lol.

    Great hook! I can't wait to read more.

    1. You are correct! Well, it wasn't really rough to be honest, but he has immense strength and she is 'only human' as the saying goes... Ha ha, thanks for commenting.

  8. Hmm she seems like she's trying to be a bit cold and distant here ... I wonder where it will lead ... why is he there any way? Great hook!

    1. She is trying not to show her emotions so soon after meeting him, but their mutual attraction is infectious... Thanks for stopping by!
