
Thursday 25 July 2013

What is the Allure of the Supernatural? Hot Paranormal Nights #BlogHop

I love all things ghostly and paranormal. That is probably not surprising considering that I write stories in the paranormal romance genre, and that I am a ghost hunter in my spare time. Yes, I hunt ghosts for a hobby! I love it, although I haven’t indulged very much recently due to having a toddler and a second child on the way. In fact, at the time of this blog hop, my baby is either imminent or newly born…

But I digress. The paranormal, or supernatural world has always fascinated me. As a child I loved reading ghost stories, and my first literary discoveries were Edgar Allen Poe and L.J. Smith. In fact, it was L.J. Smith who set me on the path to becoming a published author, although at the tender age of 17, I was blissfully unaware. Back then I was reading her Nightworld series of books that were newly released in the UK, and I was obsessed! I remember that a boyfriend at the time bought me the whole collection of paperbacks after I read the first one, and as you can imagine, he won major boyfriend points for that gift.

My dad was quite strict about the TV programmes I was allowed to watch, and so I didn’t see many of the classic horror films until I was old enough to rent them from the local video shop. I did, however, watch a British television series called Strange But True. It fascinated me, and told me stories of haunted mansions, ghostly castle ruins, and all manner of unidentified phenomena in and around the UK during the late 20th century. I think it was that programme that introduced me to Belgrave Hall in Leicester, a haunted house that I was lucky enough to investigate about five years ago. Its reputation did not disappoint!

Returning to books, and I think it is time I shared with you a little of my work. I am currently developing a series of adult paranormal romance novels set in Cornwall, England, collectively called the Redcliffe novels. My debut novel is Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel), and for a limited time you can read the entire story for free on Wattpad. The sequel is Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel), and the third book is Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel).

Blurb: Set in Cornwall, England, the Redcliffe novels follow the adventures of bookshop owner Jessica Stone as she unwittingly falls in love with a vampire, becomes entangled with his identical twin brother's werewolf pack, and then discovers she is a witch.

Now for the competition! In honour of this blog hop (and don’t forget to visit my fellow authors to read their offerings), I am giving away a signed paperback copy of my debut novel Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel). It doesn’t matter where you live in the world, I will mail it to you at no extra cost. I am really feeling that generous right now! All you have to do is comment below, tell me what you love about the supernatural world, and leave your contact email address. I will draw a winner at random within 2 weeks (although be warned, my new baby might dictate a slight delay). Rest assured I will respond and interact as soon I possibly can. 

And finally, check out my fellow Paranormal Nights participants on their blogs. Enjoy! 


  1. I love the paranormal novel because so much can happen there that can't in a "normal" novel.

    cmucha319 at yahoo dot com

  2. I love that you can get lost in a different world and escape for awhile.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  3. I love the paranormal because it indicates that anything really IS possible. Those of us who have experienced the paranormal understand there are realms yet to be explored; paranormal books throw us into those realms and allow us to get lost in the magic for awhile.

    1. So true! When people ask me where I get my ideas, I can't answer because it is all so real to me, it just seems natural...

  4. I became interested in the paranormal because crazy stuff kept happening around me and 'normal' everyday explanations were not acceptable to me. I was also really big into mythology at the time and kept asking 'Well something had to make these people believe?' Jumping into paranormal was the next logical step for me and opened up a whole new world for me. I've enjoyed learning about all the creatures, people and history of it. Though I'm insanely jealous that you got to go to a real haunted house, one of the main reasons I want to go to Europe is to go to a haunted house.

    Thanks for participating in the hop and congratulations on your new baby!!
    dragon5174 at gmail dot com

    1. Thank you Rachel! Oh yes, we have some fabulous haunted buildings over here. So far I have visited stately homes, castles, mansion houses and even a haunted abandoned night club and snooker hall. Oh, and the Edinburgh Vaults in Scotland were very interesting and a little scary at times!

  5. I just love all the magic and what people can do. Thanks.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  6. Congrats on your baby! If babies aren't magic, then I don't know what is. (Although my kids were a bit more on the paranormal side... I don't think they do ANYTHING normal) :)

    I love the paranormal because I don't take anything at face value. No matter what I learn about this world, there will always be a million more things that are unknown. Creepy, chilling, the adrenaline and the goose bumps!

    Great hopping with you...

    1. Thank you Ash! Who wants 'normal' children anyway? My 2yo daughter makes me laugh every day with her antics, and I'm sure her baby brother/sister will be just as entertaining (and frustrating).

      The paranormal reminds us that not everything has been explained in this world, and also that perhaps it isn't meant to be. I love the delicious mystery of the supernatural...

  7. I know another author who is a ghost hunter. Good luck with your hunt.

    1. Yes, there are a few of us! I don't have a hunt planned at the moment due to my maternal situation, but I will get back into it as soon as I can. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. I love how possibilities expand when you allow for the paranormal in stories. You're no longer limited to concrete, here & now things, and I think it makes it more fun.
    Congrats on your new little one, and thanks for the giveaway!
    livrancourt (at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. Thank you and yes, I agree. I love the unexpected nature of these stories and genres, and the limitless possibilities.

  9. The Radcliffe novels sound great and I am looking forward to reading them. I love paranormal because it is an adventure there always something new, that has nothing to do with my reality. For a little while I join the hero/heroine in an adventure where the impossible becomes possible. And I like Hot, sexy alpha males and the paranormal generally are all hot. Many wishes to you and your family and the new little one. Thanks for sharing your post and the wonderful giveaway. evamillien at gmail dot com

    1. Oh the Redcliffe males are all alpha and very sexy, trust me! There are some tense power plays and unusual relationships formed through the series, with lots more to come. Thanks for your good wishes and comments.

  10. Congrats on the new baby! I think I love the thought of there being things out there that we can't see with our eyes and understand with science. :) Thank you!
    heather1974 at gmail dot com

    1. Thank you! Yes, that is what appeals to me as well.

  11. I love that anything is possible!

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

    1. Good answer! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the prize draw...

  12. Congrats on the baby!

    I love the paranormal world because, well, it's not normal. It's a total escape from reality. Your book sounds great...seems to have a little bit of everything. Looking forward to checking it out.


  13. I love paranormal books because anything can and does happen. In them anything is possible.
    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  14. Sounds like my kind of book :) I love anything to do with vampires. I'm rather obsessed with them. THanks for the great giveaway!


    1. Good stuff! Well, I will draw a winner later this week...

  15. Thanks for sharing! Congrats on the new edition!!

    I love the paranormal because it is fun to read about and experience the unknown that not everyone chooses to see. That leads you to believe there is things around us we dont completely understand.

    bacchus76 at myself dot com
