
Monday 26 August 2013

A Slow Return to Work #amwriting

I am, very slowly, returning to work after having my baby. The summer holiday is drawing to a close, which means schools will resume and my elder daughter will return to pre-school. Hopefully that will enable me to do some proper work for a few hours during the week, as long as my newborn allows it. I will, however, make allowances for attending parent and child social groups, health appointments etc. For now, I am trying desperately to find time to resume my writing projects, but so far no joy. I still have an unfinished manuscript to work on, and it will require a lot of work since I stalled with writer's block a few months ago. My Muse seems to be waking up very slowly, but I am not quite back in the zone yet. I did have a rather interesting vision just last week.

I was sitting on a bench in a children's playground, nursing my newborn daughter, while my eldest played on the apparatus with her grandparents. As I gazed vacantly across the grass towards the border of trees and shrubs in one corner, I became aware of a tall, dark haired man standing there smiling at me. He was not a solid person, more what I would call a 'spirit' entity, but he definitely was not a ghost. He was one of my vampire characters from my current work in progress, and I felt a rush of relief flood through me as I realized that it was my Muse making her presence known. It will only be a matter of time before I am once again ensconced at the computer, tapping at the keys and completing yet another literary masterpiece...

Oh, and I finally drew a winner for the Hot Paranormal Nights blog hop. Sorry for the delay folks! The lucky recipient of a paperback copy of Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) is Michelle Willms. Congratulations!

*Image courtesy of Flickr

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