
Saturday 26 October 2013

My Journey to Being a Published Author

Since I started actively promoting my novels in my local area, I find an increased number of people asking me how I managed to get published. For me it seems quite strange in this world of eBooks and DIY publishing. I have taken forgranted the fact that for many people, being a published author is still just a distant dream. It was my distant dream only three years ago. My, how things change!

I did not actually self publish my books. I did not have the time or the finances to enable me in that arena. I spent several months writing to agents and trying to secure support for my Redcliffe novels. I began to submit short stories to competitions. And I researched the industry to figure out what my options were. It was the short story competitions that got me my ‘big break.’

I had submitted a short werewolf story, My New Master, to a partnership published in Somerset called Mirador. The editor was compiling stories for a new anthology entitled The Mirador Fantasmagoria. She accepted my story, and then asked if I had anything else to publish. Apparently my genre and style of writing appealed to their business model. I was so excited! I sent an eager reply and an attachment of my first Redcliffe novel Love Hurts. And that was how I got published.

My editor at Mirador very kindly worked out a practical financial agreement, and she gave me some guidance and advice on my manuscript at no extra cost. She really showed an interest in my work, and she gave me such a boost that my Muse went crazy! For the next eighteen months I spent every spare moment writing and editing, and now I have my first three Redcliffe novels published, all by Mirador.

However, I could not sustain that model much longer. I have no access to what I would call ‘serious money’ that would enable me to continue publishing in this way. It is an expensive business, and we have to acknowledge that fact. Fortunately for my fourth novel I was accepted by a traditional publisher, Chances Press. I believe I found their details in the monthly Writing Magazine that I subscribe to. They published The Darkness of Love and now here we are. I am up to date, promoting all my books, and raring to go with the next project on my list.

That was my story to being a published author. Now you tell me yours…

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