
Sunday 8 December 2013

Vampire Christmas Party!

This coming week sees the start of my epic book tour around the old t'internet on the Darkness of Love book tour. To celebrate, and in honour of the festive Yuletide holiday, I am hosting a Vampire Christmas Party over on Facebook. It starts at 9:00am GMT on Wednesday 11th December, and ends at 9:00pm GMT on Sunday 15th December.

I will be online to post snippets from my novels and short stories, throw in the odd specially written story or flash fiction piece, answer questions about The Darkness of Love, the Redcliffe novels, and my new short story Christmas with the Vampires, and generally make small talk with you guys out there...

So pop along, say hello, have a virtual glass of red wine (or something more suitable, wink wink) and sink your teeth into the wonderful world of the supernatural. Ho Ho Ho!

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