
Thursday 2 January 2014

New Year, New Start

Many people are beginning 2014 with plans to give up drinking alcohol, to get back in the gym and lose weight, to eat healthily and any number of other physical efforts to improve themselves and their lives. I have never actually tried to do the traditional New Year's Resolutions. I was always very smug and said that I didn't need to. Well actually, there are some new resolutions that I should be trying, and here they are:

  • Play more. I spent so much time in 2013 just trying to push my book sales that I forgot to take time out. My books are out there. I can let them do their job now.
  • Be kinder to myself. I have become a martyr to my situation. I only realised at the very end of 2013 that I have become the very thing I dreaded: a downtrodden housewife. Actually I am nothing of the sort. It is all in my mind and my attitude. That will change.
  • Live my life for me. I suppose this one sort of relates to the other points above, but ultimately we all have to take responsibility for ourselves as individuals. I wanted to have children, and I love being a mother, but I also need a break every so often. That is not a bad thing. I can be myself and I can be mother, wife and author. I just have to give myself time, space and understanding.
One of the ways in which I can reclaim some time and energy is to stop wasting so much time on social media. Yes, I enjoy interacting with people, but in 2014 I want to do it genuinely, rather than always thinking about what kind of result my efforts will bring. Our culture is so focused on bringing immediate results to our efforts that we feel like failures if something takes longer than 24 hours to improve. 

This year I want to be a genuine networker. I will not simply pay lip service to several social networks because I feel like that's what I should be doing. I would love for more people to comment on my blogs, even to offer suggestions of where I can make improvements, or to compliment me when I write something of particular interest or importance. 

2014 is the year for ME. How about you make it the year for YOU too? Happy New Year! 

1 comment:

  1. Those are good thoughts to have at the beginning of a new year. Wishing you 2014 blessings.
