
Monday 24 March 2014

Oh, for the Love of Books!

I am feeling rather sorry for myself at the moment. I am an avid reader. Well, I was an avid reader. I mean, I adore books, always have done, and I always have reading material to hand wherever I go. But lately I have found myself exhausted as a result of several domestic upheavals, and as a result I finished reading one book and actually didn’t start reading another for nearly two weeks. That is shocking!

I don’t think I have ever gone so long without holding a book and taking time to savour the pages and their contents. Anyway, I am relieved to say I have since rectified this problem, although I am only two chapters in to my latest paperback from the pile in my bedroom. I have chosen to read Torment by Lauren Kate, since I enjoyed her first book in the series, Fallen, so much. The novel itself is a hefty paperback, which is what I needed, since I also feel like I have neglected my beloved friends recently in favour of my new Kindle Fire HD.

I suppose we all have times of drought, so to speak. This particular drought was not a surprise to me in the circumstances, but it was quite distressing nonetheless. My fellow book lovers will understand, I am sure. Well, my children are in bed, I am catching up on some work, and then I am off to read a chapter… or two!

*Image of Catherine reading from personal collection; Image of girl reading courtesy of Tumblr

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