
Sunday 9 March 2014

There’s Something About the Water in Redcliffe! #ReadMe

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of being invited as a special guest author to my local book club. I am actually a member of the book club anyway, so it was quite a strange experience. I was very anxious when I learned that our book of the month for February was my first novel Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel). What would my book club friends think of it? What if they hated it? What if they loved it? What would I say?

As it turned out they all did enjoy my book, and that included a few friends who have never read any paranormal novels before. I take this as an added compliment. I was also very honoured when one of the women brought all three of my Redcliffe novels with her and asked me to sign them because she enjoyed reading them so much. We settled down and got stuck into conversation.

I was happy to be told that the readers liked my book because it provides a bit of ‘easy reading.’ It is genre fiction, primarily paranormal romance, and the chapters are short. I did this based on my personal experience. As a reader I always like to finish a chapter when reading my book. I hate having to put a book down with the bookmark in a random page. It just doesn’t feel right, I can’t explain it. So I chose to write short chapters in my novels.

The characters and setting were all well-received. There were warm feelings and mixed feelings towards everyone in Redcliffe, just as I had intended, and there were also a few unexpected reactions. Two of my readers asked about the significance of drinking water. That surprised me! Apparently there are lots of references to drinking water in Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel). I’m not saying yes or no to the question “Is it relevant?” I will admit that the question was unexpected and gave me something to think about for my continuing series… And the same goes for the storyline of pregnancy and having a baby. Take a look!

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