
Friday 13 June 2014

The Writing Blog Hop - #amwriting #whywrite #process

It took me a little while to respond to this blog hop, but thank you to J Lenni Dorner for inviting me to join…

1. What am I working on now?

Technically I am not working on anything specific. My time is currently taken up with two young children, a dog and a few domestic distractions. I do have 2 works-in-progress however, and I will be continuing them during the course of the next year or so. One is book 4 in the Redcliffe series, following the adventures of Jessica Stone and her supernatural friends in Cornwall, and the other is about a female vampire hunter with past life secrets to unearth…

2. How does my work differ from others in its genre?

My work is set in the UK, which to my knowledge is rare for popular vampire/werewolf/witch stories. I mean, yes there is the ultimate classic novel by Bram Stoker, and yes I know Darren Shan writes about vampires, but I haven’t found any British writers in the shops that offer adult paranormal stories in everyday situations. My characters could be your local shop owners, the landlord of your local pub, even your local police detective or hospital nurse…

3. Why do I write what I do?

I have to! The stories came to me as a child, although they have evolved and matured over time along with me. I always have something whizzing round my head that is desperate to be expressed. My stories must be told!

4. How does my writing process work?

I am what is called a ‘pantser’ in the writing world. That means I write by the seat of my pants! I did try structuring my first novel Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel), but after that I just allowed the words to flow, and then I worried about editing and tidying afterwards. It is so exciting to read something back and realise that it is bloody good!


OK, I will be a little slack here and not tag any more writers to share. However, if you are a reading this and you are a writer who would like to join the hop, please comment with a link to your blog and hop along! Thanks for reading.


  1. Looking forward to more Redcliffe! The point about how your characters could be from the local shops or pubs is well taken-- adds to the suspense. You have such a busy life that I'm impressed that you still get writing done. Kudos!
