
Thursday 7 August 2014

#BlogHop - Meet My Main Character

I have been nominated by Alex Sumner to join the ‘Meet My Main Character’ blog hop. Thank you, Alex! I accept your invitation. Today I will introduce you to Marcus Scott, formerly a minor character in the Redcliffe novels, and now lead character in The Darkness of Love. He turned out to be a rather strong personality, and he would not leave me alone until I wrote his story!

Here he is, Marcus Scott, vampire:

1. Tell us a little more about this character. Is he fictional or a historic person?

Marcus Scott is a fictional character. He is suave, intelligent, slightly cheeky, and it seems he was born to be a vampire. He took to the role very well indeed!  He is tall, with light blond hair and ice blue eyes, and his skin is pale. He is English. Marcus is a wealthy businessman in contemporary Redcliffe, Cornwall, but his story begins many years ago…

2. When and where is the story set?

The Darkness of Love is set in Victorian England, roughly around 1860. Marcus Scott is a stable boy on the lavish Hampshire country estate of his employer, Lord Gregory Stockton.

3. What should we know about him?

Marcus is an intelligent boy, and he has ambitions to better himself as he grows older. At the time this story is set he is 23 years old. He was born and raised on the estate,  he is an only child, and his parents work as cook and gardener for Lord Stockton. The family are deeply devoted to their lord and master, who paid for Marcus and other local children to attend school when they were young.

4. What is the main conflict? What messes up his life?

Marcus falls into a classic romantic trap. He falls in love with the beautiful Lady Sarah Stockton. She is a young woman, a similar age to Marcus, and he develops an infatuation with her. She appears to be very frail and delicate, a proper lady of the times, always obedient to her powerful husband. Marcus convinces himself that she cannot be happy in her gilded cage, and he decides to try and rescue her. Little does he know that his master has other plans for the young man who will become the vampire’s heir. Jealousy, love and passion run amok in The Darkness of Love.

5. What is his personal goal?

In this novel, Marcus simply wants to run away with Sarah, rescue her from her domineering husband, and set up his own business somewhere else in the country. He craves adventure and excitement in his life, and he yearns to experience city life, and to learn about the new industry that is growing at a rapid rate in the British Empire.

6. What are the titles of your novels, and where can we find them?

The Darkness of Love is a standalone historical paranormal romance. Published by Chances Press, it is widely available in both paperback and eBook formats.

Christmas With The Vampires is a Kindle short story featuring Marcus Scott in an Edwardian romantic adventure. It is published by Chances Press.

Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) is book 1 in my contemporary adult paranormal romance series.

Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel) is book 2.

Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel) is book 3 and concludes the trilogy, although the series is open to development.

All three Redcliffe novels are published by Mirador and are widely available in both paperback and eBook formats.

I have short stories published in Young Adult anthologies Devils, Demons and Werewolves (The Teen Game by Catherine Hargreaves), and The Mirador Fantasmagoria (My New Master by Catherine Green).

7. When can we expect your next book to be published?

I am not sure. My next novel is called The Vampire of Blackpool, but I have pitched it to agents and awaiting a response. I am currently writing a teenage zombie romance novel, a vampire hunter novel featuring angels and demons, and I have started writing book 4 in the Redcliffe series, as yet untitled. There are also a few short stories in progress, all featuring my favourite vampire and werewolf characters, with a few witches and other were animals thrown in for good measure…

If you would like to keep updated on my work you are welcome to sign up for blog updates, or find me on Twitter, Facebook and Google+

And now, nominations. I am going to throw this out there and nominate the following authors to share their characters with us.

Debz Hobbs-Wyatt
Alex Laybourne
Flossie Benton Rogers
Lorraine Reguly

I know you are all busy, so feel free to join in or not as your work schedules allow. Happy hopping!

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