
Thursday 4 December 2014

Let's Get This Party Started! #Christmas #books

Hello folks, how are you? I trust that my American friends enjoyed a happy thanksgiving celebration, and now we are all looking forward to Christmas, Yule, Winter Solstice fun. I know I am! It has been a very busy year, and a very traumatic one in many ways, but we emerge stronger and wiser for the experience. I am grabbing a few minutes here while my baby sleeps (and my eldest daughter is at a Christmas pantomime), to share an invitation...

Join us for the Beckett Winter Celebration organised by the fabulous Mary Martinez. I will be there, with my special guest Marcus Scott, from Christmas With The Vampires. He might talk about his younger years if he is feeling nostalgic... otherwise you will have to read The Darkness of Love to discover his tragic romantic history. See you there!

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