
Wednesday 31 December 2014

Make 2015 the Year of Books!

I will take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy 2015, and may we all move on into the new year with a positive attitude, a lightness of step, and remembering the constant wonder and joy of simply being alive. We spend most of our time striving to achieve something, whether that be to develop our careers, to grow our families, to obtain new treasures and skills, etc. A lot of the time we are so busy pursuing, that we forget how far we have come, and what we have created.

My message at the end of this long and difficult year (for me anyway), is this: The world is ours. We are of the world. Yes, there is struggle, pain and suffering. But there is also happiness, joy and growth. Perhaps if we focus on the good stuff, and take our energies away from the bad, the balance of power will change and we will all grow and develop into happier, well balanced human beings as a result.

Also, why not take up a new genre to read in 2015? Maybe you have never strayed into the realm of fantasy and paranormal before. Maybe you never leave your favourite authors. Take a chance, try someone new, and see where the journey takes you... Happy New Year!

*Image courtesy of Pinterest

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