
Sunday 8 March 2015

Books and Magazines! It’s all in the Research #amwriting

There is a lot of information out there, for just about everything you could ever wish to know. It has become second nature, when a person asks about something, to reply, “Oh, just Google it!” I do it frequently. I spend a lot of time surfing the internet, seeking advice, information, and knowledge about how best to sell my books, how to develop my business, how to be the very best that I can be at what I do. And I have learnt a very valuable lesson. The internet can only go so far to help. It consumes an awful lot of time, and this is time that might be better spent in other pursuits.

I believe in the power of good, old-fashioned books and magazines. If you switch off your computer, put down your device, switch your phone to silent mode, you can remove a heck of a lot of distractions. And then you can open a book or a magazine, and find the answers that you seek. For example, as an indie author, my priority is how to get published, and how to get my books seen by people that want to buy them. I use the internet. I fell into the trap where I was basically advertising to other indie authors for a long time. Naturally, I did  not see the big return on income that I had hoped for. But I did build some valuable connections, and it is good to have that network and that support behind me.

When it comes to specific research, I say pick up a book. Or read a trade magazine. They are easily available, they don’t cost much to buy, and you could even borrow them from your local library if funds are really tight. My preferred reference book at the moment is the Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook. It contains articles and guides from industry professionals, sharing their knowledge and expertise. It tells you about legal rights and requirements. It gives you contact details for publishers and agents, if that is who you seek. Perfect!

And then there are the magazines. I currently subscribe to Writing Magazine in the UK. The subscription also includes access to their website, with email newsletters and information at regular intervals. This comprehensive magazine gives you details about open competitions in the writing world, news from the industry at large, and practical advice and information about the craft and marketing of your work. It offers something for writers of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. There is something for everyone in the writing community within this magazine, and I look forward to reading every issue when it pops through my letterbox.

So there we go. I hope this advice is helpful to you, if you are struggling to find a foothold in the crazy world of writing, publishing and marketing. Good day, my friends!

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*Writers and Artists Yearbook image courtesy of; Writing Magazine image courtesy of

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!

    I just stopped by to check out your blog. I've signed up for yet another year of the A to Z Challenge and look forward to reading many, many posts next month...;~)

    Take care,

    Donna L Martin
    author of THE STORY CATCHER (Anaiah Press 2015)
    coauthor CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL: ANGELS AMONG US (Simon & Schuster 2013)
