
Wednesday 15 April 2015

#AtoZChallenge - Magic and Mystery

As we progress through the Redcliffe novels, and follow our heroine Jessica Stone, we begin to learn that she is not everything she seems to be at first meeting. Jessica does not even know herself when we begin reading Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel). When she falls in love with a vampire, her world is literally turned upside down, and she embarks on a new journey of self discovery. Central to this journey is Jessica’s natural condition as a witch. She learns about her own secret power, her Magic, her mystery.

Magic is very often confused with different aspects. Traditional magic can be one of two things. It could be magical illusion, as seen by a magician when he or she is entertaining a group of people. You know the sort: card tricks and disappearing acts. In the Redcliffe novels, we discover the power of ancient magic, that which belongs to witches and other supernatural creatures. I prefer to apply the old-fashioned spelling, Magick, but often my computer word processor will insist on correcting it by removing the k. When I read Magick in a text, it automatically sends shivers down my spine, and offers up images of ancient power and ritual, goddesses and gods, and everything that has now been consigned to the history books under the title of mythology.

Jessica Stone learns about her ability to use magic, and how she can work with her spirit animal, Suri the snow tiger, to protect herself against the werewolves and vampires that would play games with her. Jessica begins to realise that actually, she is the most powerful creature in this circle of beasts. She is, as yet, inexperienced and has only just begun to study her craft. It will take time, patience, and lots of mistakes, before she can truly become a great magician. The same applies for any of us in real life. We create our own magic, we are the magicians of our own lives.

If you are interested in seeing other participants for the #AtoZChallenge, check them out on the official website. We have everything from book stuff, to cooking, to photography, to travel, and a whole lot more. Happy April!

*Witch and werewolf image found on Pinterest

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