
Monday 28 September 2015

From Town Criers to Short Stories - I am The Judge! #ScribeFest

One thing I’ll say about being a writer, is that you truly never know where your work will take you. This weekend is a case in point. I have just had the honour of acting as a judge for the Loyal Company of Town Criers British Championships 2015. I never even knew there was such an event, but it was held right here in Middlewich on a beautiful September Saturday. We even got a mention on ITV Granada in the news bulletin!

After the excitement, and the responsibility, of judging my specialist category for the town crier competition, I am now preparing for something I am far more familiar with. Later this week I will join the panel of judges as we assess our short story competition entries for SCRIBE (Middlewich Literary Festival). This is something I take great pleasure in doing, and this year we expect to receive a wide range of stories from new writers. We will have some of these stories displayed at the Short Story Awards Evening, held during the literary festival on Thursday 15th October. Whether you entered the competition or not, we look forward to welcoming you to our festival.

See you soon!

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