
Wednesday 17 February 2016

A Spiritual Home for the Redcliffe Novels

Last weekend I finally got myself back out on the MBS scene, after an absence of about 2 years (maternity leave). For those of you not in the know, MBS is short for Mind, Body and Spirit. These events are incredibly popular, and a wonderful way for spiritual people to come together and share their messages with others. For a long time, I talked myself out of exhibiting my novels, because I didn’t think they were suitable for the events. Rosemary Douglas, the owner, had other ideas. She can be very persuasive, and I am so glad she talked me into doing this event!

Sometimes we have to step outside our own minds in order to make sense of a situation, or find a new way to do something. While I was at the event, I sold some books, told some new people about my novels and my work, and gave out a few flyers and business cards. I also felt incredibly well rested and relaxed by the end of the day, because I was in my spiritual home. Surrounded by like-minded friends, I soaked in the warm, loving energy of Rosemary’s event, and I cannot wait to return for another one very soon. Why don’t you come and see me next time?

Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

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