
Wednesday 16 March 2016

Have Your #Spiritual Healing in Stafford this #Easter

I have a busy couple of weeks lined up. First off I will be appearing at the newly refurbished Sandbach Library at their “Meet the Authors” event on Wednesday 16th March. Then I have family time arranged for the following weekend, and then my children finish school for the Easter holidays. And then you can come and see me at Stafford!

Our next mind, body and spirit event is at the Arthur Findlay Centre in Stafford on Easter weekend. I will be there to talk about my work as the pagan housewife, and my journey to becoming a published author and solopreneur. You can ask me all about writing, getting published, how to get started, or even about the ghosts I have seen that helped fuel my imagination for the books…

Of course, I will not be alone. There are many fabulous people for you to meet, including fellow authors Christopher Gilmore and Stephanie J. King, international medium Janey Hitchcock, the house dowser Chris Quartermaine, and a vast array of stalls offering crystals, spiritual healing, alternative health remedies, beautiful arts and crafts, and much more.

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