
Monday 15 August 2016

Meet Me in Stockport at the Mind, Body, Spirit Event

I am out again! This time you can meet me in Stockport for the Rosemary Douglas mind, body and spirit weekend event. We have a large variety of exhibitors, including a few new ones. I will be there in my capacity as SpookyMrsGreen: the pagan housewife, and as Catherine Green Author, talking about my spiritual experiences, being a pagan mother, and telling people about my journey to being a published author.

Other authors include Christopher Gilmore, Stephanie J King, and Suzanne West, all with differing styles of writing and lots of different messages to share. We will talk about ghosts, your higher self, your parenting styles, and lots of other related subjects. There will be mediums and psychics providing personal readings and stage shows, performers playing high frequency healing music, and a wide array of spiritual gifts, accessories and tools.

See you in Stockport! 

Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

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