
Thursday 13 October 2016

From Mummy to Author and Back Again #ASMSG

This week has been a busy one, as always. I seem to spend my days switching from Mummy to author and back again, in a constant battle to fit everything in. Every weekday morning is the same routine as I struggle to get both my girls dressed, fed and off to school and preschool. Two days per week I have my youngest daughter at home with me. And this week, on one of those days, I took time out to do an author talk and promote my books to some new people.

On that afternoon I left my daughter with friends, drove thirty+ miles to the town where my talk had been arranged, did the deed and got back home just in time to collect my elder daughter from school. It was certainly an adventure as I traversed the rush hour motorway traffic and drove through a busy town centre.  But I thoroughly enjoyed myself, because it was something different. It felt like I was doing some proper author-related stuff after neglecting my books in favour of blogging.

You see, I have another passion that is currently taking priority - SpookyMrsGreen: The Pagan Housewife. This is my pagan lifestyle blog website and it is growing into something far more business-like and exciting. Now I am receiving products to review, and I have a growing schedule of official blog posts to write and share. And I really enjoy that, too! Sometimes I want to write, but my stories just don’t seem forthcoming. On those occasions I can write something casual for my blog, and that satisfies the urge but without the added pressure of needing to fulfill a word count target, or make the story fit, or perfect a scene that is refusing to play nicely.

Actually, if you are interested, I am running a special Halloween offer over on my SpookyMrsGreen blog. You can get a free Vampire Tarot Reading if you head over there now and sign up… and if you haven’t already read it, I am throwing in a free copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story). That way you get vampires and werewolves, and everyone is happy! 

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