
Thursday 27 October 2016

Join Us for the Sandbach Author Signing Event

We are almost into the month of November, and it will be crazy time for me as I immerse myself once more in the Redcliffe novels and continue writing book 5 in the series for NaNoWriMo. I will need a break from the computer, however, and so you can come and see me, and keep me sane (I hope) at the Sandbach Author Signing Event at Sandbach Town Hall on Saturday 5th November.


I will be there all day, along with 20+ authors from around the UK, exhibiting our new books, talking about our experiences in writing and publishing, and generally meeting new people. We can be very reclusive, when we bury ourselves in our writing projects, and so this is our way to be social and make friends. You can also bring your children along to join in with the Cartoon Academy workshops, the Fairy Sanctuary, and more. We even have a visiting cover model, former soldier Martin Nelson, in residence for you to have a photo with!

 Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

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