
Thursday 10 November 2016

A Slow and Steady Start to #NaNoWriMo2016

Just a brief update today since I am well on the way to completing #NaNoWriMo2016 and I am powering through! Well, ok, I am plodding through at the moment, but I am happy with my progress and that’s the main thing. I have broken the 15k barrier and plan to hit 25k words halfway through November, keeping me on track to succeed. How is your #NaNoWriMo progressing?

Thinking back to 2015, and by this time I was in a very different place with my writing. I was reeling from the death of my beloved Nanna, and keeping my focus on the writing in her memory. She was so very proud of my author achievements! I still miss her, and even now I feel tearful when I remember her loss. But I have over 30 years of happy memories to treasure with my grandparents, and so I count my blessings. Happy writing, my friends!

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 


  1. Sorry about Nanna. May God continue to comfort you and give you more writing achievement. I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect!

    1. Thank you for stopping by, it has been a while since I visited WLC!
