
Thursday 29 December 2016

Happy New Year and Book Signing Event Plans

I might be a little ahead of myself since we are still technically in December, but let’s face it, 2016 has been a bit of a challenging year. It seems that every day we lose yet another famous face in the celebrity world. My personal life has been one of upheaval and drama throughout the year, and before that to be honest. So I for one am very much looking forward to 2017. I believe it is the start of a new cycle, a new beginning, and lots of new and exciting experiences.

One of those experiences is something I am especially excited about. On Saturday 4th February, I will attend the West Midlands Valentines Book Signing and 1940s Ball. Hooray!  Unfortunately, I cannot attend the evening ball due to a prior commitment, but I will be at the event all day long to showcase my Redcliffe novels series and my contemporary English Gothic stories. Come and say hello, and why not try a few books while you are there?

Happy New Year, my friends. Thank you for joining me on this journey!

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