
Thursday 26 January 2017

Unleash Your Creative Spirit

We have only one week left until my first book signing event of 2017, and I am rather excited now! I haven’t been to Telford for several years, so that will make a nice change to my weekend routine. I look forward to seeing all my author friends and colleagues at the event, and of course, meeting new readers. Come and see me! I am eager to see you.

After considering my options with regards to book swag, and the fact that my business finances are rather slim after a few advertising experiments, I decided to get creative with my offerings. Before I became a published author, I spent a lot of time making greetings cards and bead jewellery. It was my method of relaxation after a long day at work in a demanding job. This was before I had children, of course, when the evenings belonged to me. I would stamp and colour and embellish to my heart’s content.

The arrival of my babies interfered somewhat with my hobby. Now, whenever I step near my craft cupboard, I hear cries of, “I want to do painting, Mummy!” and “I want to do crafts with you!” That is lovely, of course, but with young children comes a lot of mess, and I cannot simply sit and craft in peace. So, I started doing it in the evenings again. I set aside my marketing and computer work, and revisited my old hobby. And I have created some beautiful book themed greetings cards and bookmarks that I will bring to the book signing event. What do you think?

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

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