
Thursday 30 March 2017

Embrace the Darkness for Vampire Month

We have almost reached the end of Vampire Month, although my vampires continue to haunt and delight me every day. At the moment, I am struggling to finish a first draft of book 5 in the Redcliffe novels series. The manuscript is called Heart of the Vampire (A Redcliffe Novel), and yet those pesky werewolves keep interfering!

Photo Credit #AtoZchallenge 

But enough of that. Today’s blog post on the Vampire Month website is a reflection on popular culture and the vampire image. I really like the Gothic photography that is featured, and I agree, vampires are sexy. There is no escaping the fact that we know they are disturbed and grotesque creatures in truth, but we prefer to see them as attractive. Could we say the same about our fellow humans? Maybe…

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Monday 27 March 2017

Bridge House Publishing Author Event

My very first published story was The Teen Game, a short vampire story set in Manchester. It was featured in the anthology Devils, Demons and Werewolves by Bridge House Publishing, and is listed under my maiden name, Catherine Hargreaves.  I still remember the excitement I felt when I read the acceptance email as I was travelling out for a pre-wedding celebration with my mum and mother-in-law!

Later this week I will be attending an online author event with Gill James from Bridge House publishing. She is bringing together a group of authors and their books, and we will share our advice, our writing experience, and offer up a few new books and stories in competitions.

I believe Devils, Demons and Werewolves may be on special offer for the event, so sign up on the Facebook page, and I will see you there… You might even win a free book!

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Thursday 23 March 2017

SCRIBE Festival is Live! #ScribeFest

SCRIBE launches at 6:00pm today with a sparkling presentation by lecturer Elizabeth Williams. Join Elizabeth for a funny, entertaining, and very informative hour exploring The Fallen Woman in Victorian Literature. Tea and cakes will be served. Tickets are available online or you can pay on the door. No. 28, Hightown, Middlewich.  

Matthew Hall, writer of the popular The Coroner and Jenny Cooper series, has been an author, screenwriter and producer of prime-time drama for BBC1 and ITV for over ten years. Matthew will be talking about his intriguing career and his latest novel A Life to Kill tonight at 7:15pm in Middlewich Library. Tickets are available online or pay at the door. Middlewich Library, Lewin Street. 

We have a surprise addition to the SCRIBE programme. Dr Dick Shepherd is one of only 35 forensic pathologists in the country and he has featured in many TV documentaries about suspicious deaths. Dick joins us tonight for Life, Death and Taxis, a fascinating insight into the day to day work of a forensic pathologist. Dick will be in Middlewich library at 8:30pm. Book tickets for Matthew Hall, gain automatic free entry to Life, Death and Taxis and enjoy a rare and unmissable evening. Refreshments will be served. 

Phew, what a great start to #ScribeFest! Check back for more updates on Facebook and Twitter, and join us for the main event, The Crime Zone, on Saturday 25th March in Middlewich town centre. And don’t forget to do the Book Trail and vote for your favourite shop window display.

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Out Now - Pretty Masks by C.A. Bell





Masking a problem doesn’t fix it. No matter how long you keep it covered.
We all hide behind masks. Whether that be a forced smile to a loved one after a long day. A sympathetic frown of concern to someone that doesn’t really matter to you. Or a professional face at work after an almighty row at home. The fact is, we all do it. We do it because we want to be prettier on the outside than we truly are on the inside. We do it to hide the cracks that have formed due to life. But what about the people who are forced to wear masks? The people who are forced to hide their true colours because society says so?

Life has thrown its fair share of crap at Lois Johnston, and the one thing that has kept her sane and going for the last seven years is her husband, Nathan. But what happens when the one person that is keeping you safe from yourself leaves, taking not only your heart, but your sanity with them as well?
For the first time in a long time Lois is about to remove the mask that was forced upon her years ago. But what’s matured underneath after years of heartache and hiding is something even uglier than before. Life has twisted her into a monster, and she’s about to set it free.






About the Author

C.A.Bell was born and raised on the outskirts of London, England, but for the past four years has resided in the west midlands where she married and made a home.
She is author to numerous erotic fiction stories, including The Architect, Nancy's Curse, Femme Fatale: The Agency, The Shame Train, and many more.
As well as putting together her own collections of short stories and poetry, she is also a contributor to many anthologies and online magazines.

C.A.Bell's Social Links

Monday 20 March 2017

Countdown to #ScribeFest (Middlewich Literary Festival)

#ScribeFest celebrates all aspects of writing, illustrating and art, and it is happening this week, from 23rd-25th March! Brochures are available to collect from venues around Middlewich, and the shops are already preparing their special window displays for our “Guess the Book” competition… See you there!

Follow Scribe Festival on Twitter, use the hashtag #ScribeFest to see live updates, and like our page on Facebook to see exclusive news and giveaways before and during the event.

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Thursday 16 March 2017

Dodging Satan by Kathleen McCormick

I like to share news about the authors that I meet on my travels, and today I introduce you to the book Dodging Satan by Kathleen McCormick. It is a YA novel, so not my usual genre, but I do like the sound of this one… 

Dodging Satan by Kathleen McCormick
Dodging Satan is a humorous coming-of-age story. Bridget Flagherty, a student at St. Michaels Catholic school outside Boston in the 60s-70s, takes refuge in wacky misunderstandings of Bible stories and Catholic beliefs to avoid problems in her Irish/Italian family. 

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Monday 13 March 2017

Sharing the Love LGBT-Style

Many people are unaware that my Redcliffe novels, and my contemporary English Gothic stories, include characters who are lesbian, gay and bisexual. I don’t shout about it because it shouldn’t be a selling point. We are who we are, and we are free to love and play with other people as we see fit. But enough of my preaching. In the spirit of sharing diverse works of art, today I introduce you to a novel called Juliana, by Vanda.

Juliana by Vanda 

“She went looking for fame, and found her true self, instead.”

So begins the story of Juliana, a talented Broadway performer, and the young, naïve farm girl Alice that she seduces. The novel is set between 1941 and 1944, and tells a story about the modern world of the gay and lesbian social scene, and the old-fashioned values of small-town, rural families who just want their children to get married and continue the family line.

I look forward to reading and reviewing this novel myself, and if you want to know more about the author, see her website for social media links and news about her next book.

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Thursday 9 March 2017

Children of the Night… Celebrate Vampire Month!

Ha ha, I do love my favourite old movie references. This month we celebrate Vampire Month, as decreed by the mysterious and alluring D.A. Lascelles… I met the author during our Sandbach Authors Signing Event late last year, and now he has recruited me into his vampire fan club.

Keep watching his website for author interviews (including mine), book features (me again), and all things relating to vampires and vampire pop culture (yes, more of my writing!) 
The writing is lively, even though the subject matter is not!  

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Monday 6 March 2017

Book Review: She Wolf by Elizabeth Morgan

I finally got around to reading She Wolf by Elizabeth Morgan. This is a contemporary werewolf love story set in Scotland, and I loved it! The scenery was beautiful, as you would expect. We hear the story of a werewolf pack with ancient lineage, and how its youngsters continue the family business. And then there is the love story between our feisty she-wolf and her mate. The tension is brilliantly worked, and the characters could be my mates from the local pub, I feel so familiar with them. I highly recommend this book!

Rugged, Scottish Werewolves – how could I resist?

This book is seriously sexy, and deeply passionate. I like the way it is told from both protagonists' points of view. I feel like part of the pack after reading this book, and now I need to read the series!

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Thursday 2 March 2017

World Book Day #WorldBookDay20

Happy World Book Day! I am ridiculously excited about this day, even though I don’t really get involved with activities. I am visiting my daughter’s class at school to read a book later today, but that’s about it. Still, I love any excuse to talk about books, to pick up a book, to worship books and the art of reading. And later this month we celebrate books and writing with the Scribe Festival right here in Middlewich. Fantastic!

I heard a lot of news coverage about parents complaining that they have to dress their children up in World Book Day costumes. We don’t do that in my local area. My daughter’s school are running a game where they ring a bell at regular intervals, the children must stop what they are doing, pick up a book, and read. Sounds like my kind of game… The chosen book theme is Mr Men, which is a childhood favourite of mine. I have selected some vintage books from my personal collection to take for my “Mystery Reader” session.

Have a fabulous, booky day, my friends!

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!)