
Thursday 2 March 2017

World Book Day #WorldBookDay20

Happy World Book Day! I am ridiculously excited about this day, even though I don’t really get involved with activities. I am visiting my daughter’s class at school to read a book later today, but that’s about it. Still, I love any excuse to talk about books, to pick up a book, to worship books and the art of reading. And later this month we celebrate books and writing with the Scribe Festival right here in Middlewich. Fantastic!

I heard a lot of news coverage about parents complaining that they have to dress their children up in World Book Day costumes. We don’t do that in my local area. My daughter’s school are running a game where they ring a bell at regular intervals, the children must stop what they are doing, pick up a book, and read. Sounds like my kind of game… The chosen book theme is Mr Men, which is a childhood favourite of mine. I have selected some vintage books from my personal collection to take for my “Mystery Reader” session.

Have a fabulous, booky day, my friends!

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