
Monday 1 May 2017

Losing My Way #amwriting

I have lost my way a little bit during the past month. All it took was a long school holiday and a bit of family drama, and suddenly here I am stuck in limbo once again. I haven’t opened my WIP for a couple of weeks. I haven’t written anything proper for ages. Well, I say proper. I have been maintaining two blogs and posting regular articles on those, so I suppose really I’m not that bad.

What I mean is that my previous work has stalled. I need to produce a new book to publish, and I want to have it done and ready by the end of June so that I can release it just before the school summer holidays. That way I can take a bit of time to do promotions and networking to give it a decent chance of getting off the ground. But I also need a bit more freelance paid work coming in, so I must reboot my efforts in the non-fiction department as well. Looks like May will be a busy month!

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