
Thursday 5 October 2017

Five Great Vampire Stories You Might Have Missed by @Thriftygal #DarkDates #ASMSG

Today I introduce you to Tracey Sinclair, author of fun and feisty paranormal and romantic fiction. She will share some of her favourite popular vampire stories. Take it away, Tracey! 

Vampire stories abound – some would argue too much, though as the author of a paranormal series of course I wouldn’t agree! – but alongside the best-known tales here are some gems you might have missed.

Near Dark

Although often overlooked in favour of The Lost Boys’ shiny, MTV take on vampires – which came out in the same year, 1987 – in its own way, Near Dark’s take on the genre was even more revolutionary. A reimagining of the vampire movie by way of the Western, made by future Oscar-winner Katheryn Bigelow and starring cult faves Lance Henrikson, Jenette Goldstein and the much-missed Bill Paxton, it is worth checking out.

Poppy Z Brite’s Lost Souls

In the same way that films were revisiting cinematic vampire tropes in the 80s, Poppy Z Brite’s 1992 novel took the literary genre away from the swooning, romantic lushness of Anne Rice that had become its default setting. Brite’s vampires would be quite at home in Bigelow’s world, grounded as they are in life’s down-and-dirty everyday existence, and Brite’s books remain landmarks of both the genre and of LGBT fiction (Brite is the pen name of Billy Martin, a trans man).

Only Lovers Left Alive

This 2013 Jim Jarmusch film is a low-key delight. Tom Hiddleston and Tilda Swinton are the titular vampire lovers, and the film makes much of what it is to be in love when your relationship potentially lasts forever. Visually stunning – it makes much use of its Detroit setting – the film is also funnier than you’d think, since apparently being a vampire doesn’t save you from annoying family members or day-to-day petty frustrations.

A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night

In some ways, this 2014 film by Iranian-American Ana Lily Amirpour is an ideal companion piece to Only Lovers, and is clearly influenced by Jarmusch’s work. It’s a beautiful slow burn of a movie, littered with gorgeous visuals and surprising moments of humour.

Daylight – Elizabeth Knox

This isn’t the New Zealand author’s masterpiece – that would be the incomparable angel-themed book The Vintner’s Luck – but this is a beguiling take on the vampire myth, cleverly tied in with the idea of artist’s muse.

Want another fresh take on the vampire novel? Check out my series Dark Dates, all three of which novels are on special offer for only 99p throughout October!

Tracey Sinclair is an author and freelance editor and writer. Her books include the romcom The Bridesmaid Blues and the Dark Dates/Cassandra Bick series, the latest of which, Angel Falls, is out now.

Author Website Links:

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