
Monday 23 October 2017

Inspired by a Family Day Trip

Writers find inspiration in the strangest of places, and for me it happens all the time. I recently took my husband and children to our local Legoland Discovery Centre to participate in the Lego brick building challenge. That was for my SpookyMrsGreen blog. We had lots of fun that day, and I took the opportunity to watch our fellow Lego enthusiasts as they enjoyed the discovery centre.

 At one point I sat at a table sipping my coffee, and my husband was distracted by his phone. Our children had run away to play in one of the Lego play areas, so I looked all around at the building. It is basically a big warehouse filled with Lego themed equipment and rides. I watched the staff members hurrying to and fro, speaking into their walkie talkies, giving out orders, dashing from one job to the next, and I wondered what they do when the discovery centre closes for the day. What are their homes like? Do they have partners, children, families waiting for them? Are they completely human? How could I incorporate this domestic setting into my vampire and werewolf stories? Watch this space…

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