
Thursday 16 November 2017

Have I Outgrown #NaNoWriMo?

We have passed the halfway point for #NaNoWriMo 2017, and I have to say I am really not engaging with it. My novel has not yet reached 20,000 words, I find lots of distractions keeping me away from my manuscript, and I simply cannot be bothered with it this year. I wrote about it yesterday on my SpookyMrsGreen blog, and one of the comments gave me food for thought: have I outgrown NaNoWriMo?  

 I already know the answer to that question: yes! You see, I don’t need the monthly wordcount challenge to force me to write my books. Since I first joined NaNoWriMo back in 2011, I have written about a dozen novels that are in various stages of editing. I have published half a dozen novels and short stories, along with hundreds of blog posts on various platforms. I don’t need NaNoWriMo anymore, and I feel a little bit sad. But mostly I feel relieved. I will still write my novel, of course. It has been requested by my loyal fans, and I cannot disappoint them. But I will do it in my own time, when I feel ready. Enjoy your month, my friends! Do share your thoughts about NaNoWriMo in the comments below.

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