
Tuesday 12 December 2017

Christmas Holiday Blog Share #FreeBook #Giveaway

Merry Christmas, my friends! I trust that you are enjoying the festivities of the season, and today it is my turn to feature on the Winter Wonderland Holiday Blog Share, hosted by Mary Martinez. Have you entered the competition to win your $60 Amazon gift card? Details are at the bottom of this post.

This year I am especially excited to celebrate Christmas. We have had a challenging few years as a family, with several dramatic events unfolding, and lots of health issues to deal with. While many of these are ongoing, it seems that we are reaching a point where we can begin to relax and know that everything is falling into place. We have had to adapt to new habits, new experiences, and new people, but we keep going, and more importantly, we stick together.

Christmas for me is about celebrating with family and friends, catching up on lost time, taking a break from work, and enjoying a chance to treat ourselves with good food, a few gifts, and a chance to party. For me it is not religious. I mix it with my Winter Solstice celebrations in keeping with my Celtic pagan heritage, but I grew up in a Christian family, so old habits will prevail. We visit the local church for special services, and we do enjoy Christingle. What does Christmas mean to you? Do you celebrate the festival, or is it just another day?

Competition Time

Don’t forget to leave your comment below, and today I am offering you a FREE copy of my seasonal short story, Christmas with the Vampires.  

Enter the Rafflecopter to win your Amazon gift card, and check out our next author tomorrow using the link on my homepage. Enjoy, and Seasons Greetings!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have you discovered the Redcliffe novels? Sign up today, and receive your fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 


  1. For us, Christmas is a deeply spiritual holiday - celebrating God becoming Man to save us, coming to earth as a sweet little Baby! It is also a very nostalgic, family-related time, filled with memories and joys. I still feel that tremor of excitement when the first Christmas carols start playing and the first lights start twinkling!

    1. Sounds lovely! Thank you for commenting, and Merry Christmas! :)

  2. My birthday is the 18th, we always spend the day baking and decorating cookies for our friends and family. Then we drive around and deliver them the next day. It's so sweet to see my boys creativity shine as they design special cookies for people they care about.

    1. Ooh, happy birthday! There is something magical about baking at Christmas x

  3. This year, we have a weekend full of fun. Saturday at the sis in law's house, Sunday my mom and husband comes for dinner and we go to her house for dinner on Monday.

  4. My favorite Holiday Tradition is baking cookies with my family

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